in cryptocurrency •  7 years ago 

Salt Lending.png

The Salt Lending Platform will be ready by the end of December :)

As an early member of Salt Lending, I just got an e-mail from them:

Dear SALT Community,

We are quickly approaching product launch in the latter part of December. The excitement is building throughout our office. We thought it would be a great time to take a moment, lift our heads from platform development, and share some of the things we've been working on.

Consensus: Invest 2017

The SALT Lending platform connects borrowers and lenders, and it's the lending side of our development that brought the SALT leadership team to the Consensus: Invest conference in NYC last week. We made a lot of great connections and the platform was received very well. Thanks for everyone that stopped by our booth.

SALT Ledger Nano S Sale

This week we launched the first product in our online shop, The SALT branded Ledger Nano S. Members can purchase them for 5 SALT here:

Job Openings with the SALT Team

With product launch so close, we are preparing from every angle. We've recently added several new positions to our careers page, including Finance Associate and Customer Support Representative. More can be found here:

Thank you for your continued support. We're looking forward to product launch and shaping the future of lending with you!

The SALT Team

Salt twitter.png

For those who have no Idea what Salt Lending is, here a short Video:

So did you bought some SALT ?

Salt Lending Chart.png

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AWESOME news. Great job done by SALT guys.

Yaque it's too late to buy some salt? 7.95 USD now

I just think it is the beginning.... look at the Volume.

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

ANON LOVE SALT :) SO UPVOTED .......ALSO EARLY ADOPT JUST a little bit of... :) @ELYAQUE could you pls help anon with badges?

Do you have a prediction for price?

Maybe this could be interesting for you:

We did not even reach 1 % of market, i think that will grow.

I have not heard about this platform, thanks for the information.

thanks for this update news..

salt lending, just epic tradition comeback in virtual money.

Too bad they couldn't get it out before Christmas, because I'm sure a ton of peeps would have used it to buy presents!

that would be a trustworthy lending platform

great news

Wow, I first hear from this lending, need to pay attention and analyze! Thanks for the interesting information @elyaque

great analysis,thanks for the nice information

good to read your post happy for new launch and also a way for job opening..

nice information,very good job,great analysis
thanks for sharing

@elyaque, you come back again to steemit platform. Welcome back. Nice update salt chart with some info more valuable.

great updates information,very good job
thanks @elyaque

Great analyzing of salt. Nice information @elyaque.

Thanks for the information
100% like and resteem

You start your work again here. Nice update with video of SALT.

great graphic chart and good information
Thanks @elyaque
Have a nice day

Good luck to salt team for his product launch ..

My first ICO.

I would not complain if it goes to the moon

is it going to be better than other leading lending networks

TO THE MOON can't wait for it to happen for real

wow this is a revolutionary thing

great and wonderful update this is :)

It does indeed seems promising !

i heard this is on the erc platform

i need to buy some SALT right now

i am ready as hell time to make this happen :)

is that's why salt is going up so much

nah i just missed buying salt i am feeling sad

Why would you lend salt? You can get plenty in the supermarket ^^

cool really block chain is moving really fast than expectations

There are so many projects i have some little pice on this is one of them i have some tokens no so many because my investments are very spreed!

welcome man..