Proof of Opportunity (PoO) We mine our anti FOMO with PoO!

in cryptocurrency •  7 years ago  (edited)
The path to happiness in cryptos is building up your hashpower for PoO algorithms. Today is a noticeable bitcoin correction with 6 billion dollars removed from the total market capitalization in cryptos. This only follows another record-breaking rally for Bitcoin, you can rest assured that it always happens. The corrections are the result of a FOMO(fear of missing out) driven market situation and perhaps, out of necessity. One of the things that kills cryptos is too much trader interest in them to fast. Well today is a great day for PoO. You might have thought 2 days ago "OMG im missing the train!" This train is a roller-coaster. Happy to ride it with you ^^ don't lose hope and watch out for proof of opportunity on the sidewalk.
Content by: @empath
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Wow, I want to start earning with my poo!

I had to make myself feel better hodling is so harrrrrrd. :D jk it's going to take years to find out; am i just lazy or am i hodling? :D

i need p0o.