My cousin Billy, who as I told you is a little crazy, told me that President Trump has said that the US is going to be the new capital of bitcoin, where El Salvador with Bukele has been the capital of bitcoin from the beginning. Maybe that's why they have released Ross Ulbricht so he knows how much BTC this man manages under his own hands.

So my cousin Billy continues commenting that it is not a conspiracy but on the contrary, times of change and improvement are coming for the US economy. I told him that things happen for something, I don't know how China or Russia is preparing, they are great capitals for the impact that cryptocurrencies will have starting in 2025. On the other hand, artificial intelligence is breathing down our backs with its advanced advancement and improvement.

The price of BTC is at 105,354 at the time of writing this post. With a rising estimate and strange things coming your way.

beeeBeeeBEEEEE 🐐🐐🐐🐐🐐🐐🐐🐐🐐🐐🐐🐐