in cryptocurrency •  7 years ago  (edited)

Hello steemians.
This article is the continuation of my previous article, titled: The Abuse of Human Life. In the part 1 of this write up, I discussed fully what human life is and how it can be abused. This article will discuss other ways human life can be abused. They are:

This can be defined as the killing of human being by another. The process by which the victim’s life is forcefully taken against his will. There is a distinction between murder and manslaughter; manslaughter is an unintentional but accidental killing, such as it happens when a motor car hits a person and the person dies. The punishment for this is less severe than outright murder.
Murder is a common phenomenon in all parts of the world. It can occur in the form of:
Witchcraft or Sorcery can be used to kill, though not scientifically acknowledged.
Murder can arise out of:
Competition e.g. political ambition. It includes infant killing.
Above all, murder is violation of the sacredness of human life.
Christian ethics has uncompromising order and standing on the issues of murder. The keynote is Exodus 20:13. “Thou shall not kill”. Christianity discourages those feelings that could lead to murder, let alone carry it out.
This is popularly called mercy killing. It is an act of terminating the life of a person purposely out of concern for the good of the person. This could be applied to a very aged person, as well as a person suffering from severe or unbearable pain or terminal disease. At times it is done to prevent a deformed child from growing so as to avoid future traumatic and psychological hardships of it. It is rational that when a person’s case is hopeless, there is no reason for keeping him alive further than necessary, that is, he can be relieved of his pain by peacefully taking his life. In such a case with or without the agreement of the person concerned, a painless drug or position can be injected to affect the death.
The patient of euthanasia is guilty of suicide while the doctor is also guilty of murder. With love, tolerance, hope and faith, suffering victims can be taken care of and sustained in life. “Once there is life there is still hope”, life belongs to God and it is He only that can take it, nobody should take it for him irrespective of prevailing situations. There are many other ways to abuse human life e.g.
Drug abuse
Human trafficking etc.
Christian should not taste, touch or handle them, but holding faith with a good conscience.
Abortion is the termination of the life of human fetus in the womb preventing its birth. This can be done through taking pills, injections and chemical insertions into the womb to evacuate the fetus, this is popularly known as D&C.
Abortion is sometimes committed because of fear of rejection, ridicules and bastardization (when the male held responsible for the pregnancy denies paternity) poverty, unpreparedness to run a home or raise a child. etc.
Opinions are divided on the issue of abortion. Some, who support it, are using advancing scientific discovery with medical reasons to justify it. But most of the arguments are untenable by Christian standards. The common reason scientifically is to save mother or if the child is disabled i.e. it is better to terminate the child to save the mother or to terminate the child because of disability, to save family from ridicule.
Christian ethics opposes abortion within the context of its opposition to the taking of life generally, it believes that with discipline and ethical living, the promiscuity and unwanted pregnancy will be avoided. It also believes that miracle can happen to save the mother and the child; the disabled child can also be healed.
Thanks for reading...

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It was a great read.
But you can better work on spacing and link adjustment....
It would make your work look finer

Thanks bro... I will do just that.

This is a thoughtful topic, well done!

Thanks ma'am... I deeply appreciate your comment

Great write up, But it is unfair of this world how some outright murder are made to look accidental or suicidal

Oh yes! You are right! Thanks for the comment.

Abortion is really bad. I hate people that go into it

Thanks for the comment. I appreciate it.

Great write up man love the write up

Thanks bro...