Shilling Cryptos at the Beach

in cryptocurrency •  6 years ago 

I’ve been sunbathing and listening to audiobooks on my balcony almost all day, but it gets pretty damn hot in here. I decided to go and dip into the cold lake that I live by. I didn’t take anything else with me other than my apartment keys and a towel.

I walked to a little dock that is a good place to go for a swim. This time I wasn’t too much of a little bitch and just blunged into the water almost immediately. And god damn it it was cold this time! I only swam for a minute probably, and saw that the group of people at the dock were eyeing me. When I came up and stayed warming in the dock, with my feet on the water, a guy from the group came to chat me up. I was not at all interested in a short, beer bellied man, but I was feeling nice so I small talked for a while.

He was very curious about where I live and what I’m gonna do for mid summer and what I do for a living. I ducked most of the guestions but mentioned blogging and cryptos, which he did ask quite a lot more about. Though it was immediately clear that he didn’t really have any idea about blockchain technology, which was kind of pathetic because he told me he was both studying IT, worked in the field before and he was investing in traditional markets. Turned out the people on the dock were a class that was working on different tech projects like programming a robot and something to do with cloud storage.

His initial though about blockchain was that it was just a pyramid sceme and I said he hasn’t probably read anything other than traditional media propaganda about it, but he denied doing so. I told him that as someone who has actually lived off of it, and uses the technology every day, without ever having an ability to invest in it, I can see the benefits and real world use for it. I told him it is the future and for someone who is in IT, he should really really read up on it more, and not just about the shitcoins.

I wasn’t trying that hard to get him into cryptos because I can spot a person who is not into it and won’t believe in it before it’s too late to get in. It’s his loss. Though he was asking very specific questions on how much I had made with blogging and how many Bitcoins I had. I think he, an older, uglier man, was trying to find a sugar mama. I obviously disregarded personal guestions about my financial state, I think it’s very vulgar and rude to ask things like that from a person you do not know. I’m quite sure he will not be getting into cryptos, but maybe one of his classmates is smarter and will do some research on the topic when he tells them that the hottie in small bikinis is into cryptocurrencies. Let that be my good deed of the day for blockchain technology. And this picture of my crotch. You’re welcome.


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With a bikini line like that I’m gonna listen to what ever you say! ☺️

I spoke to a friend who is a programmer several years ago and he didnt seem too interested in crypto. The other weekend I saw him again and all of a sudden he was more into it. Perhaps because my own understanding is a lot better I was able to explain it in a more engaging way, or perhaps sometimes people just need to be in the right frame of mind to accept new things/information. I expect If I was half dressed my friend would not have been so interested in cryptos erither, but for an entirely different reason than in your example.

Also just a point of order, I think you would have to be a "sugar daughter" to the little fat man, which sounds horrible, as it should :)

LOL I also tried to talk to people about it and quickly got shut down with all sorts of reasons and I learned to just keep quiet about it. They say teach a man to fish, but they need to be willing to learn.

Waste of time I say. When someone is really interested, you’ll know and will have a good conversation even if they are not educated.

Totally but you know back then I was so jacked about crypto you know the young whipper snapper ready to preach the good news!

Now I’m just like oh well you don’t like it I respect your opinion!

I agree it’s been the same experience for me When I do meet crypto peeps who are really in it not just the I trade crypto types, then usually know I’m going to have interesting conversations

It’s funny how people won’t change their minds about stuff. I’ve found this to be especially true when it comes to new technology or even something very old like gold. I have given up trying to convince people of anything if it is clear they are entrenched in their ideas. It takes a special brand of person to be flexible in their view of the world.


Oh, he actually put the tulip mania, British railway shares and gold all in the same category with Bitcoin so.... 😂😅

Gold? Hows is gold a pyramid scheme? Gold is the world's oldest stable bubble.

A funny fellow. Clearly not the sharpest tool in the box. Firstly, he engages in an inept attempt to chat you up, acts rudely and proves himself to be clueless as a cherry on top. As if the cold water weren't enough. At least you had an opportunity to spread the good word.

When I encountered a lady walking her dog at the lake last month who started talking to me about photography as she saw me shooting lake shots I had a more positive experience. When she asked whether I was going to publish my photos on Instragram, I had a perfect opportunity to tell her than I ain't publishing anything for free these days. I covered a wide range of topics from how social media companies have conned billions of people into being voluntary workers for them to gain market caps in the trillions put together to how decentralization also means full control over your content and uncensorability.

Admittetly, it wasn’t a long conversation so I didn’t give him the chance to fully explain how he grouped all these completely unrelated events together, but it was something negative. And he wasn’t trying to be rude, just completely inept on how to talk to a lady who knows internet is more than Instagram. I think he wasn’t prepared for that, poor fella.

It’s wonderful when you happen to meet someone by chance and have a good conversation, it’s just rare. Though, if one were to talk to strangers more than once a month, the probability for an interesting conversation would be higher.

As an extrovert who works from home I often feel a compulsion to engage strangers in a conversation if an opportunity presents itself. That's a big reason why I'm on Steem, by the way. I most likely never would've found my way here if it weren't for @gamer00 who told me about Steem in February 2017.

Sentiment was pretty low on Steem back then because I remember even @gamer00 talking about it somewhat negatively back then. Partly because of that and the fact that I was busy with other stuff, I never really delved into altcoins including STEEM back then, which would've been superb move in retrospect.

Actual LOL!

I know right, and he talked down to me 😂

His talking down to you may have been some sort of a misguided and feeble attempt at boosting his own status as it sounds as if he were trying to chat you up. ;)


I never thought of the idea of a young hot sugar mama, but I must admit with this picture added to it, it sounds and looks very appealing! :-)
By the way, did you tell him that tulips are still very hot in The Netherlands? LOL

...with the exception that I’m broke 😂 Haha no, I’m not gonna waste my time too long with a person whose views are that narrow and uneducated.

You’re not broke, you have Steem and PAL! 😏👌

Posted using Partiko iOS

To be honest, I'm also confused about blockchain exact definition! But I'm living with it anyway, like living with lots of unknowns in my life! And thanks for sharing the conclusion photo! :))
I suggest you to lock the doors tonight and have more security! ;)
Enjoyed reading your short ulog.
Check me out on my blog too, I'll appreciate it. ♥

Looks like you have lots of sugar daddies here. Me included.


Posted using Partiko Android

Surprisingly few people have any real knowledge about crypto/blockchain, so it's good to bring it to the attention of the wider masses when possible.

You're certainly a more compelling advert for the tech than most. Lure them in with body, hit them with the revolutionary potential of blockchain spiel!

And thank you :)

less text more photos, thanks! :P

I like your pussy have no hair sure you shabe it I love it

Posted using Partiko Android

Being a whore on the internet sure is nice. Certainly pays all the bills.

Don't know why you are commenting that to me, I'm not a whore, but I'm sure a lot of whores do get paid fairly well and pay their bills that way. And I say, good for them.