Mining The Cryptowatch With Samsung's Outdated Phones

in cryptocurrency •  7 years ago 


Bitcoin is currently the most popular among all crypts, as its price rises day by day. For a long time, some kind of resistance was common to the crypts, but now the situation is changing and slowly being accepted by those who were decisively against the cryptocurrency.


That's why Samsung decided to take such a step because they wanted to prove it through the "Upcycling" project, that outdated technology could be used for new and creative purposes, such as cryptocurrency mining.


At Samsung, a special development conference in San Francisco showed a system where 50 obsolete Galaxy S5 phones are involved in mining crypto currencies.

Although this system can not be compared to performance graphics with high-end graphics cards, it has significantly higher energy efficiency than desktop computers.



Samsung's representative Robin Schutz said that such innovative platforms could in the future give new life to old and used devices in an environmentally responsible way. For this reason, we can expect such projects in the future, and Samsung is even beginning to organize a variety of competitions on this topic.


And Now

Samsung Built A Bitcoin Mining Rig Out Of Old Galaxy S5. And it’s More Efficient Than A Computer

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Samsung’s found a use for your old Galaxy S5 (and no, it doesn’t matter if it’s smashed to smithereens): Pair it with thirty-nine other units, install a build of the firm’s specialist operating system, which isn’t available just yet, then insert them all into a strange building-like structure to create your very own Bitcoin Miner Cluster that’s capable of mining at a greater power efficiency than a standard desktop computer.



Chances are, you don’t have forty Galaxy S5 units laying around waiting to be used. Heck, we’re the biggest Samsung fan website on the planet and can’t string together ten. But the South Korean isn’t expecting you to recreate its Bitcoin Miner Cluster at home. It is, instead, showing you what you can do with old technology that some may consider old hat—and that’s what its new Upcycling project is all about.


“This innovative platform provides an environmentally responsible way for old Galaxy mobile devices to breathe new life, providing new possibilities and potential extended value for devices that might otherwise be forgotten in desk drawers or discarded”


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