Cryptocurrency and Adam Kokesh - The New "Taboo Topics" In The Liberty Movement? UPDATED

in cryptocurrency •  7 years ago  (edited)

"Joe's stopping by in a little bit."

I confess, I was sort of excited. There are very few things in this life that thrill me more than having someone say "Thank you, you helped wake me up." I had reason to suspect I might get a some of that when Joe arrived and my little ego was eagerly anticipating this favorite stroke.

In 2007 I was working at a "Sportsman's Show." Guns. That is what Idaho sportsmen show each other, it was a gun show. We were there trying to round up voters for Ron Paul in the primary. I had been taken under the wing of an expert "waker upper" just a week or two earlier. (One day I am telling his story, but it is not safe for him to have me do so right now.) Suffice it to say I had JUST learned some really important truths and was eager to tell anyone who would listen. My waker-upper friend had warned me, "Don't start the conspiracy conversations but if someone else brings it up, OK."

A gentleman showed up and he began talking about fiat currency. I saw my opening and said "You know who owns the Federal Reserve?" and slipped him a diagram showing that this entity was privately owned. He flipped out on me. He told me people like me would destroy any chance Ron Paul might have, he called me crazy, and worse. He pretty well did a verbal beat down, LOUDLY, in a large crowd. My waker-upper friend finally stepped in and got him to back off and leave. The man did get involved for Ron Paul, and I became the state coordinator for the campaign. Over the course of the next year or so I just avoided him. Let him do his own thing while I work with the people who WANT to work with me - that seemed a better use of my time.

Almost a decade later I happen to make friends with a woman who is friends with Joe. She is chatting with him one day and mentions my name, he remembers me. He actually tells her to tell me I was right. He admitted he did not want to believe me, but I was right. So now, eleven years later, I am going to cross his path again and I am thinking this is going to be like a great "truther reunion" sort of moment... Oh, I MUST learn to stop having expectations. About anything or anyone!

Our guest is greeted at the door by my friend, I greet him in the kitchen. It is a rather cold stare he gives me but he shakes my outstretched hand. There is not a word said about the last time we met. OK, I don't HAVE to have my ego stroked... an apology for the scene would have been nice but it is not required. I am all about let the past go and move forward in a more positive way! We sit down to chat. He is going on about how bad the economy is, how things are coming undone. I ask him what he thinks about cryptocurrency. I did not even say if I held any, I just asked what he thought.

His rant began with "I don't know anything about bitcoin" and then he proceeds to explain to me how terrible bitcoin is and says that a solar flare will make it all worthless. It is an erroneous belief I held prior to learning about cryptos and the electric universe, so I make an effort to explain that a solar flare actually would only wipe out electronics on the day side of earth. That made him angry and now he begins berating me about how stupid crypto is and how I will lose every dime I have invested in it... He never took a breath long enough for me to say "I have not invested a dime in it. I just make it on steemit." Of course at this point I don't really even want to try to tell him. Pearls before swine and all... this man clearly will never hear a word I say.

I try to switch to something less volatile... "Have you been following Adam Kokesh?" FAIL!!! He is off on another rant. OK, this is MY HOUSE. I really do not like getting yelled at or treated like an idiot in my own home, but he is the guest of my friend so I keep my tongue while he continues to prove to me that I never want to be in the same room with him again. I finally ask "May I finish a sentence?"

Joe says I may finish a sentence but then continues to spew at me. I get up and go to the kitchen to overcome the urge to reach out and touch the old asshole. From the kitchen I yell out that Adam is running for NOT PRESIDENT and his platform is the peaceful dissolution of the Federal Government and return of power to the states. It actually made him take a breath, he even admitted that was not a platform like any other he had heard...

My ego peeks out from under the covers... Is he remembering that the last time he treated me like an idiot he wound up learning that I was right? NO! He simply turns to my friend and starts ranting at her about how even the states ought to be denied power. Which is true, but he claims he does not want a hot revolution. He refuses to get back involved in any kind of politics. I understand, it is a fool's errand if you think you will vote your way to liberty. However, we have the soap box which he rejected, and he claims he does not want to go for the bullet box. Seems to me you had better make the best use you can of a ballot box.

I am not angry at the man. He is a Veit Nam vet who is doing the best he can to survive in this world of lies and liars. His defense mechanism is very human, "If I do not already know what you are saying I will assume you are a liar." Still, it makes me VERY sad when people who understand how much evil is running amok use their precious time on earth belittling and berating the truth tellers who have been blazing the trail. And I won't tolerate in my home again. If he wants to visit again, we can set up a lovely little area in the yard. I did not need and ego stroke or an apology, but there is no excuse to walk into someone's home, be welcomed as a friend, and then just rant at them. It is an odd way to promote "self governance."

Today, I am going to the big city to attend a meeting of the Idaho Libertarian Party. I will be doing an assessment to see if there is any chance in hell we are actually going to be delegates to New Orleans, and if there is a path to success we will be booking our hotel. We really cannot afford this, we are doing our best to have faith that the way will be made for us. Me and my slightly battered ego are asking for your support, we are counting on "worthless" cryptocurrency and other "stupid" people who support Adam Kokesh to help us make this happen. I considered waiting until I got home to post this, but spirit said "Show your faith."

UPDATE!!! WE WILL NOT BE GOING TO NEW ORLEANS. We simply are not getting enough support to be able to afford the trip, so please accept our apologies if you feel we misled anyone. We fully intended to go thinking there would be a way to get steemit to cover the expenses but this post payout clearly shows that is not happening. Good luck to Adam and those who are headed to New Orleans! Disregard the rest of this paragraph. If you are so moved, please upvote and resteem this article. I asked for help once before and we got enough to cover our gas to New Orleans. We need to get our hotel and convention registration covered now. We are both going to be delegates, you get two for the price of one helping us :) And if I fund our venture entirely on crypto, I am quite certain the word will get back to Joe... maybe then I can turn him on to steemit? Meh, or not.. lol!

Thank you for reading, thank you for your help, and most of all thank you for being the kind of person who investigates new information rather than disregard it. OK, everyone who reads this might not be like that but most of you are... or you would not have made it this far!

Pic is from a couple mornings ago. We have a new day dawning, if we choose to help manifest it.

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