Brock Pierce has connections to many of the characters that are currently being outed as having "a bit of a questionable shady past" Brian Singer for one. I really couldn't care less if he has apparently done good for the crypto community, anyone who harms children needs to be dealt with without remorse.
Its very nieve to think that because he was never prosecuted there was never a crime, if your in these circles your above the law, ever heard of Bill Clinton or Woody Allen, Roman Polanski or Jimmy Saville? Many people have known about Pierce's past for a long time and see him as a character the crypto community can do without. I'd be cautious about referring to people suspected of such activities as 'my man' unless your trying to become cryptos version of Meryl Streep
RE: CRYPTO UPDATE! Brock Pierce Removed from EOS?? Google Bans Crypto Ads & More
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CRYPTO UPDATE! Brock Pierce Removed from EOS?? Google Bans Crypto Ads & More