RE: 💸Universal Basic Income 💸

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💸Universal Basic Income 💸

in cryptocurrency •  7 years ago 

I find that a strange point of view. Currently we are a slaves, wage slaves to the corporations we work for, having no free will to say 'no' to anything because our life depends on the money we earn. I don't see how getting money from the central bank without any conditions attached would make you a slave, much less if the money was distributed though a cryptocurrency on the blockchain as mentioned above.

Further, the innovations in the coming 1-2 decades will push automation of jobs in an unparalleled way. If you think your job is safe from automation you're most probably wrong. Remember, flying was once considered impossible, going to the moon was considered impossible. Don't underestimate technological progress.

Besides there are currently a lot of jobs that are just plain unnecessary, adding no real value to economy. Think of all the telemarketers, HR managers, social media strategists, PR advisors, and a whole host of administrative positions at hospitals, universities, and government offices. These kinds of jobs exist only because people need to earn a living income. Even the people doing them often call them "useless" or "unnecessary". Talk about a life that makes sense. And in contrast there is a lot of work of immense economical value that people currently earn no cent for, on the contrary they even pay for it. Think of all the caring work, raising children etc. This is not only unfair but quite honestly I find it a disgrace to a modern society.

Many forward thinking economic leaders, most of all Elon Musk, are convinced that a basic income will be essential. Because they understand once a majority of the people are unemployed due to automation then no one will be buying the stuff the robots produce anymore. And that would be pretty much the end of capitalism.

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Either you simply have more faith in government than I do, or you don't spend much of your time observing and discussing government. Government is brute force. Government is action backed by a gun. Giving more power over our lives to government is always going to turn out bad. We should never voluntarily allow them greater control over us, as in giving them the power over our payroll. They are corrupt and dishonest by nature.

I don't think private companies are any better in terms of corruption. As stated above, consider the possibility of a basic income paid out on a blockchain system. No government involved there and it would be worldwide. That's the model I'd personally prefer to see implemented.

I have to admit I don't fully understand the concept of a UBI by blockchain system and how it would eliminate government corruption from the process. I have been saying to those who will listen for many years that a crisis is coming as the requirement for human labor diminishes. However, government has a horrible history of corruption and terrible outcomes. The difference between government and corporations is the government's authorization to use force. Corporations still require cooperative engagement with customers.

Corporations still require cooperative engagement with customers

untrue, destruction by corporation is real and often more silent. Corporations are in bed with governments

In those cases it is the government part of the alliance that has the authority to use force. Without the government partner the corporation cannot "legally" use force to coerce its customers.

I can agree with that but think corporations, just like banks are ruling the game. the gov is more like a legal puppet :)

because you think the gov is not going to seek to regulate blockchain... until last month cryptocurrencies were unregulated and the gov stepped in.. do you really think that AI will not find its way through... if you dont, just wait. we do live in an orweillian era and without addressing this problem first, illusions will turn into self-delusion again.

elon musk is a deceptive leader, he wants us all plugged into the Cloud Matrix to sustain his concept of technological immortality, microchipped and completely handled like farm animals ... dont believe me, go to my blog and read: AI For The Betterment Of Mankind.... Or Perpetual Warfare?

see also my link here below, how are UBI going to resolve this?

Well said! @gess 🙌