In the Cryptocurrency world we often use the word, "ShitCoin". It is usually used for coins that becomes worthless over time, turns out to be a scam or a mere copycat. Such coins are called shitcoins. It's purposes range from a test currency to a pump n dump with no long term solid plan. They usually fade within a year or two. There's hundreds of shitcoins exist out there and many forums have listed them. Here's a complete list of all the shitcoins. Please do not indulge in business with any of the coins listed here.
Currency | Currency | Currency |
1CRedit | 2chcoin | 66coin |
8coin | 99cents | Acros |
AeroCoin | Aiden | AiOtoken |
Aircoin | Alcohoin | Alicoin |
AlienCoin | AllAgesCoin | Allahcoin |
Allsafe | Alphacoin | AlphaOmegaCoin |
Altrocoin | AmericanCoin | AmeriCoin |
AminaCoin | AmKoin | Apecoin |
APEX | AphroditeCoin | Appcoin |
AppleByte | Arkhash | Armoredcoin |
AssPennies | Asstoken | AstroCoin |
AustraliaCoinit | AyCoin | Babycoin |
BaconBitsCoin | Badcoin | Basecoin |
BatCoin | BeaoCoin | Beatlecoin |
BeeCoin | BeerCoin | BeliCoin |
BellaCoin | Bells | BestCoin |
BIG Bullion | Billaume | Binarycoin |
Birdcoin | Bitcoin2 | Bitcoin2.0 |
Bitcoin3.0 | Bitcredits | BiteCoin |
Bitgold | Bitinium | Bitland |
Bitleu | Bitpeso | Bitpug |
Bitquark | Bitraam | BitStar |
BlakeBitcoin | Blazecoin | Blitzcoin |
BlobbyCoin | Blockshares | Bluechip |
Bones | BonusCoins | Boomcoin |
Boringcoin | Bosscoin | Bountycoin |
Boxxycoin | Boycoin | BrasilCoin |
Brokebackmountaincoin | BTCTalkCoin | Bumbacoin |
Burbucoin | ButterflyCoin | Bytom |
Cagecoin | Californiacoin | Cancercurecoin |
Cannabis | Cannacoin | Capitalcoin |
Carpe Diem | CataloniaCoin | Catedoge |
Chaincoin | Championcoin | Chancoin |
Charitycoin | Chichicoin | Chicoin |
CHNcoin | Chococoin | ChoomCoin |
ChuckCoin | Citizencoin | Civic |
ClockCoin | Clockwisecoin | CloudCoin |
Cnote | Cococoin | Coffeecoin |
Coiledcoin | Coin | Coin2.0 |
Coincoin | Coino | CoinyeCoin |
ColbertCoin | CollegeCoin | Cometcoin |
Compasscoin | ConcardCoin | Confido |
CopyCoin | CosmosCoin | Counterpart |
Crapcoin | Crapplecoin | Credits |
Creds | Crimsoncoin Cross | Generation Coin |
Crypti | CryptoApples | Cryptobits |
Cryptobuck | CryptoEagle | CryptoEscudo |
Cryptographic Anomaly | CryptoLoot | CryptoMeth |
Cryptonium | CryptoStuds | Cryptowurly |
Cthulhucoin | Cubits | CuntCoin |
Cyclecoin | Cypherfunk | Czech Crown Coin |
Das | DeleteCoin | DemonCoin |
Denarius | Detacoin | DigiEuro |
Digital Commerce | Dishercoin | Dobbscoin |
DodoCoin | Doggcoin | Dokdocoin |
Dollarpounds | Domecoin | Donationcoin |
Dopecoin | Doubloons | Dougcoin |
Dragoncoin | Dubstepcoin | DuckDuckCoin |
DuckieCoin | Dvorakcoin | Eaglecoin |
Ecocoin | EdisonX3 | E-Gold |
EKrona | Electriccoin | Electron |
Electroneum | Electronic | Electronic |
Elephantcoin | Embargocoin | Emerald |
EmuCoin | Entropycoin | Eoncoin |
Equestrianbit | Equinox | Ermahgerdcern |
Eros | Vision | Eternalcoin |
Ethereum Dark | EToken | EuroCoin |
Exilecoin | EZCoin | FAILCoin |
FairBrix | FairQuark | FastoinSHA |
Fck Banks Coin | Fellatiocoin | Ferengicoin |
Ferretcoin | FIMKrypto | Firecoin |
Fireflycoin | firstcoin | Fitcoin |
Floridacoin | Forexcoin | Fourchan |
FourtyTwoCoin | Foxcoin | Fragcoin |
Franko | FraudCoin | Freedomcoin |
Freicoin | Frictionlesscoin | Frozencoin |
Frycoin | Furrycoin | Gachimuchi |
Gaelcoin | Galaxycoin | Galleon |
Galtcoin | Gamecoin | GameLeageCoin |
Gamerscoin | Gasolinecoin | Gatescoin |
Gaycoin | Gemcoin | Genecoin |
GeneCoin | Genesiscoin | Geocoins |
Ghostcoin | Giarcoin | GiftCoin |
Gil GIL | Girlcoin | Givecoin |
Globalboost | Global Denomination | Globe |
Globecoin | Goatcoin | Godcoin |
Gold Bars | Goldcoin | GoldMint |
Gold Pressed Latinum | Gollumcoin | GoodCoin |
GoodrumCoin | Goxcoin | Grain |
Grandcoin | Granitecoin | Graphene |
GravyCoin | GreeceCoin | Groincoin |
Growthcoin | Guncoin | H2Ocoin |
HackerNewsCoin | HashCoin | HawaiiCoin |
Heisenberg | Helixcoin | Hellcoin |
HernCoin | Highfivecoin | Hobbitcoin |
HongKetoCoin | HongKongCoin | Horsecoin |
Hotcoin | Huatecoin | Huitong |
Huskycoin | Hypercoin | Icoin ICN |
iDice | Imperial Coin | IncaCoin |
Infinity pay | Informationcoin | Inkcoin |
Insanitycoin | Instapay | INTcoin |
Internet Peso | Inven | IshaCoin |
Isra Coin | Italycoin | Ixcoin |
JasonCoin | Jennycoin | Jerkcoin |
Jerkycoin | JesusCoin | Jewels |
JezusCoin | JinCoin | JoeCoin |
JuggaloCoin | JunnonCoin | Kakacoin |
Karpcoin | KarpelesCoin | KashmirCoin |
Keisercoin | KhalsaCoin | Kiffercoin |
Killercoin | Kimcoin | Kimdotcoin |
Kingcoin | Klingon Empire Darsek | Koindashian |
Krugercoin | KrugmanCoin | Kudos |
Kumacoin | Kushcoin | LajtCoin |
Leadcoin | Lebowskis | LegendaryCoin |
LegitCoin | Lemoncoin | LeproCoin |
Levelcoin | Lightvelocitycoin | Limecoin |
LimecoinLite | Limecoinx | Liquidcoin |
Litecoin Plus | LiteCoinX | Livecoin |
Lolcoin | Lottery Tickets | LoveCoin |
Lucky7coin | LukeCoin | Lycancoin |
Machinecoin | MagicCoin | Magicoin |
Maki | Malecoin | Maplecoin |
Mariocoin | MediaCoin | Mediterraneancoin |
Megcoin | Melange | Memecoin |
Metiscoin | MidasCoin | Milancoin |
Millionairecoin | Minerals | Mjollnircoin |
MmjCoin | Molecule | Moneyenom |
MouseCoin | MtGoxcoin | Muniti |
Mutcoin | Naanayam | Nakacoin |
Nanotoken | Nbcoin | NeonCoin |
NewStatesmanCoin | NexusCoin | Nigger |
NightCoin | Niuecoin | Noahcoin |
NoirShares | Noodlyappendagecoin | Nucoin |
Nutcoin | NXO | NXR |
Obama_bin_lotteryCoin | ObamaCoin | Ocoin |
Octonox | OilCoin | OKDCoin |
OneCoin | Onioncoin | Onlinegamingcoin |
Orbitcoin | Orcacoin | Oreocoin |
ORObit | Ottomancoin | Paccoin |
Pandacoin | Pangucoin | ParagonCoin |
ParallaxCoin | Patriotcoin | Paycoin |
Peacecoin | Peerpay | Penguincoin |
Pennies | Peoplecoin | Phcoin |
Phicoin | PhotonCoin | Pieces |
Pikacoin | Piniumcoin | Piratecoin |
PixelCoin | Platinum | Platinumcoin |
Playtoken | Pokercoin | Polcoin |
Polishcoin | Polycoin | Popcoin |
PopularCoin | Poundcoin | Powercoin |
Preminecoin | Primcoin | Procoin |
Prospercoin | Pwnycoin | Pxlcoin |
QuackCoin | Quatloo | Qubitcoin |
Quebecoin | Quick Quick Coin | Quora |
Rabbitcoin | Radioactivecoin | Rainbowcoin |
Rainbowgoldcoin | Rapidcoin | Rastacoin |
Ratcoin | Realcoin | RiceCoin |
Richcoin | Rightcoin | RiseCoin |
Rocketcoin | Romancoin | Rosecoin |
Rotocoin | ROUND | Royalcoin |
Rubycoin | Rupaycoin | Saffroncoin |
SailCoin | SambaCoin | Sapphirecoin |
Saske | Savecoin | Savingcoin |
Saw | Scamcoin | Scoin |
Scotcoin | Secondscoin | Securecoin |
Serracoin | Sha1coin | Shares |
Sherlockcoin | Shibecoin | ShieldCoin |
Shillingcoin | Siamesecoin | Sifcoin |
SiliconValleyCoin | Silkcoin | Silver bars |
Silvercoin | SilvioBerlusCoin | Singularity |
Skeincoin | Skycoin | Skynet-coin |
Slendercoin | SlothCoin | Smartcoin |
Sochicoin | Socialcoin | SolCoin |
SolidCoin | Spaincoin | Speedcoin |
Spirecoin | Spirecoin | Spodermancoin |
Sprout | StableCoin | Stackedcoin |
Stacycoin | Stalwartbucks | Starcoin |
StarvingArtistCoin | STLcoin | StockCoin |
Storagecoin | Stories | Streamcoin |
Suncoin | Supercoin | Superherocoin |
Superior Coin | SurgeCoin | Swagcoin |
SwapToken | Switchcoin | Syncoin |
Tacocoin | Takcoin | Techcoin |
Teddycoin | Tenebrix | TenFiveCoin |
Teslacoin | ThaiCoin | Thcoin |
Thecoin | TheSmurfscoin | Thundercoin |
Tigercoin | Timekoin | Titanium |
Tittiecoin | TokeCoin | Tomatocoin |
TomScottCoin | TraceCoin | TraderCoin |
Traincoin | Trollcoin | Troptions |
Truckcoin | Turbocoi | UFOcoin |
Ultimatecoin | UniCash Coin | UniteCoin |
Unitycoin | Universitycoin | Urocoin |
Vadercoin | Valuecoin | Vampirecoin |
Vanillacoin | Vcoin | Vegascoin |
Veilcoin | Velocitycoin | Vendettacoin |
Venividcoin | Verncoin | VeroCoin |
Version | Viral | VirtualMiningCoin |
Viruscoin | VisaCoin | VISA |
VisnCoin | Vodkacoin | Votecoin |
Watcoin | Wavecoin | WeAreSatoshi |
Webcoin | Wecoin | Wikicoin |
Wincoin | Wolongcoin | World Football Coin |
Wpcoin | X11coin | X13coin |
X14coin | Xcoin | Xedoscoin |
Xencoin | Xivra | XXLcoin |
YACcoin | Yamashitacoin | Yangcoin |
Yincoin | YinYuanCoin | Yuan |
Bao | ZCoin | Zedcoin |
Zenithcoin | Zeuscoin | Ziber |
Zodiaccoin | Zombiecoin | Zurcoin |
A Legend that inspired another Legend to become a Legend. That's all I know. I am talking about Jackie Chan who considers Lee as his inspiration and Teacher..
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SwapToken Switchcoin Syncoin
Tacocoin Takcoin Techcoin
Teddycoin Tenebrix TenFiveCoin
Downvoting a post can decrease pending rewards and make it less visible. Common reasons:
They usually fade within a year or two. There's hundreds of shitcoins exist out there and many forums have listed them.
Downvoting a post can decrease pending rewards and make it less visible. Common reasons:
Wow, we have a long list here but most of them are easy to classify as scams just by their names...
Downvoting a post can decrease pending rewards and make it less visible. Common reasons:
lolx.. You mean AssToken and AssPennies ? BTW the list even goes beyond this.
Downvoting a post can decrease pending rewards and make it less visible. Common reasons:
What is Skycoin doing on this list?
Are we thinking of the same Skycoin?
This Skycoin? ->
Downvoting a post can decrease pending rewards and make it less visible. Common reasons:
I mean this one . I am not sure if they are the same projects as many coins named as Skycoin and some rebranded.
Downvoting a post can decrease pending rewards and make it less visible. Common reasons:
Emerald Crypto is N O T a "shitcoin"
Downvoting a post can decrease pending rewards and make it less visible. Common reasons: