Cryptocurrency and the Commons

in cryptocurrency •  7 years ago 

For the first time in human history almost all of humanity is politically activated, politically conscious and politically interactive. There are only a few pockets of humanity left in the remotest corners of the world that are not politically alert and engaged with the political turmoil and stirrings that are so widespread today around the world. The resulting global political activism is generating a surge in the quest for personal dignity, cultural respect and economic opportunity in a world painfully scarred by memories of centuries-long alien colonial or imperial domination.

Zbigniew Brzezinski

Interesting to note the thing that scares people most about cryptocurrency is the feature that makes its most revolutionary…regulation and the fact that its capability exceeds the scope of regulation. The MSM (mainstream media) is saturating the market with the “Regulators are Coming”stories and crypto fanatics and newbies alike are battening down the hatchets in anticipation of Uncle Sam and the global machine entering the world of crypto anarchists and nerd money. Fundamental to cryptocurrency and the common denominator that is beginning to underscore the daily lives of most of the global citizenry is a contempt for the elite ruling class.

Zbigniew Brzezinski coined the term ‘global political awakening’ in an article based on a speech he delivered to the London-based Chatham House in their academic journal, International Affairs. Chatham House, formerly the Royal Institute of International Relations, is the British counterpart to the US-based Council on Foreign Relations, both of which were founded in 1921 as platforms to coordinate Anglo-American foreign policy. "This is not a unique phenomenon to the United States, and 2016 is not a short moment that will pass," says Yascha Mounk, who teaches political theory at Harvard University and has studied the rise of nationalist movements. "This is a real populist turn that has been happening for the last 15 or 20 years.”

In recent decades, nationalist movements have shifted from vocal minorities to powerful parties that gained control of governments in places like Hungary, have lost national elections by the slimmest of margins in countries like Austria, and forced the United Kingdom out of the European Union by way of Brexit.

The word is out on the street that the system is rigged and people are becoming more aware of it want alternative systems to store value and secure their wealth. It is in this tumultuous environment that cryptocurrency finds itself in its nascent stages with the potentiality to lay the framework not only for a new monetary system and structure but a methodology for how value is derived and measured. The “common folks” have centuries of being duped and manipulated by pretending patriots and false tales of economic security in perpetuity if only they participate in the system. Multinational conglomerates, big banks, and government agencies are all viewed as frictional in relation to the sentiment, wishes, and the desired outcomes for billions around the world and technology is providing a tool for this expression.

“Rich man’s lover, poor man’s dream—this is cryptocurrency”

The national debt is now $20.1 trillion dollars in the United States making it larger than the economy yet the story is scarcely covered in the mainstream and if it is the debt load is quite often dismissed as no longer relevant because we have “a printing press”. And that may be so from a purely contemporary Keynsian economic perspective but the debt isn’t the concern as much as the trend and the implications of the budget lines responsible.

Social security, Medicare, Department of Defense and interest paid on the debt (interest to the Federal Reserve) are the top four lines in the United States government budget and they represent over 90% of the debt and interest the United States citizens owe. Social security and Medicare were supposed to be “funds” and not “pay as you go” or “ponzi” and with Canada to the north and Mexico to the south its getting harder to justify half a trillion annually. Which brings us to the next line the “interest on the debt” that the American taxpayer owes the Federal Reserve for interest on the debt that the U.S. government is forced to borrow in order to pay off the existing debts that it can not pay. It is no wonder that cryptocurrency with its emphasis on decentralized systems with open networks of communication and transparency represent a viable alternative to our existing solutions for monetary policy and cooperation.

Cryptocurrency is not just Bitcoin, Ethereum, ICO’s, nerd money, scams, Silk Road or other passing terms of reference without fully understanding the revolutionary dynamic that cryptocurrency represents as a methodology for the transaction of value and communication. The nation state system is on the ropes and is being replaced by borderless networks of individuals and groups working to build a system that is open, transparent, fully cooperative and most important open and committed to processes that reflect the desired outcome of its users.

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