E-Dinar (EDR) and Free EDR Cloud Mining

in cryptocurrency •  7 years ago  (edited)

I am hoping to fund my project The Grigori Anime and manga by using cryptocurrencies.
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My portfolio is diversified but one project I am working on has me excited. The E-Dinar (EDR) through Local trade: https://localtrade.pro/partner6945318950 . I found out about while making purchases of the Iraqi Dinar. Its maintained a price of .01-.02 USD over the last few months and you can cloud mine without using a computer or buying GHS etc. Especially for a beginner I believe E-Dinar Could mining to bolster your portfolio. While I wait for these so called star coins to rise, I decided to try it out after I did an estimate.
My initial investment will be 6x times what I put in. LocalTrade is the only trading platform you can mine EDR.

A snapshot of what I am cloud mining everyday.
So far Im getting 35 EDR a day at .02 USD. For me being a novice this a good way to increase my portfolio and when I get to my desired level of cloud mining per day I can continue to cloud mine more or even pull some out to buy other cryptos.

The way it works is the more E-Dinar you cloud mine, the more you earn every day. After the first 30 days every day you what you cloud mine goes into your availability cloud mine account , which increases your daily mine rate. Often times I hear on social media, "what coin should I put my $500, $1000 etc investment in". What would I do? EDR for me is a long term investment and I would investment a good amount of money into EDR. Currently 90% of future spending will be on EDR for a while. There are plenty of EDR coins to mine and at the current rate its a simple return. I know EDR had a rocky start due to changing how EDR is mined but the way I look at it, it was the best in my opinion for the overall health of the coin. I will continue to buy more E-Dinar and put it in my cloud mining account.

This is where I am at now.

1584 coins mined so far. I dont expect the price of EDR to rise to any level about .10 USD within the year without increasing circulating and total supply by double but I have high expectations in the long run.

Always do your own research! Sign up with Exchange Localtrade here: https://localtrade.pro/partner6945318950

E-Dinar Coinmarketcap: https://coinmarketcap.com/currencies/e-dinar-coin/

How to Cloud Mine EDR! Easy!

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