Crypto News, July 10 2018: Red Day

in cryptocurrency •  7 years ago  (edited)

Highlights: Hola extension vulnerability, NEO 3.0 details, and Augur's mainnet launch achieves a rating of "it's crap" from our quality assurance testing.

Possible Hola Extension Hack Affects MEW Users

Source: Twitter | Extension

MyEtherWallet tweeted yesterday warning users to transfer their funds to a new account if they had been using the Hola Chrome VPN Extension. The warning was issued following reports that Hola had been hacked and MEW activity was being logged.

Bancor Hack Update

Source: Twitter

Bancor issued an update on yesterday’s hack via Twitter today, placing the estimated loss at over $20 million, all stolen from the BNT smart contract. They have not yet offered any details as to how the security breach occurred. Post-tweet, crypto Twitter became hyper-focused on Bancor’s ability to freeze assets, expressing surprise and disappointment. However...

ERC20 Standard Includes Optional ‘Freeze’ Feature

Source: Ethereum

The Ethereum token standard implements freeze capabilities in the example code used on their site. Freeze features are fairly standard practice for the industry, even if they do violate the spirit of decentralization.

Augur Mainnet Launch Struggles

Source: Chepicap

Augur’s mainnet launch does not seem to be going particularly well with users complaining of high costs and difficulty of use. We played around with it some today, and found the user experience less-than-intuitive - at least, we did right up until it crashed (twice). For its part, Augur has acknowledged some of the issues and is inviting users to report them on their Github page.

NEO 3.0

Source: NEO

NEO has released some details about its upcoming version 3.0, which it markets as a complete overhaul of the existing platform and “built for large scale enterprise use cases.” The new implementation will, among other things, address divisibility, expand and enhance the API to enable cross-platform smart contracts, and support native contracts and global variables. Full details of the changes are in the source linked above.

Partnership: VeChain & Totient

Source: Medium

VeChain is partnering with San Francisco tech firm Totient to further develop their ecosystem, including "ICO and enterprise opportunities," according to a Medium post published this morning. Totient has contributed to the development of VeChain’s web wallet and ledger integration and also its block explorer, which launched today.

Palladium To Offer Convertible Coin

Source: Bittrex

Malta-based blockchain platform Palladium is offering the “world’s first” token with the option to exchange at a later date for company shares. The Initial Convertible Coin Offering (ICCO) will run from July 25 - September 30th, and the token will be subject to Maltese and EU authorities.

Vegas Attraction to Use Blockchain Ticketing System

Source: The Ticketing Business

Kind Heaven, an upcoming Las Vegas attraction, will offer tickets on the blockchain through a new partnership with Aventus. The attraction is set to open in 2019.

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Written content adapted by @thepinkfreudian.

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Many years ago, I used Hola just for a short while. I think at that time I didn't have MEW account :)
Thanks for letting us know. It shows that it is somewhat important to keep an eye on the news. I guess there might still be a lot of people who haven't heard of this vulnerability.

Absolutely, so easy to miss notice about issues like this.

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