Week 12 / News about cryptocurrencies the German view

in cryptocurrency •  7 years ago  (edited)

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News from Last week (19.03.2018 - 25.03.2018) in Germany, Bavaria and international press in German language about cryptocurrencies. I want to catch especially the mood in Germany. They news are gathered from various mainstream media. A Translation of the Title, a short comment or summary on the content and a link to the original news.

Prize development (open - close):
Total M.CAP.: 301.403.000.000 $ - 332.305.000.000 $
$BTC: 8.344,12 $ – 8.668,12 $


Title: Bitcoin moves into Wall Street with Jane Street
Now we wait for the big players money...

Title: Analyst warns: "death cross" in the Bitcoin - he could fall to 2,800 US dollars
TA experts know, we should sell now.

Title: An identity - even on the run
Blockchain project so refugees and homeless can be easily identified.

Title: The dream of the new gold
A bitcoin success Story. The Winklevoss bros.

Title: Trump prohibits use of Venezuela's digital currency in the US
Has anyone expected something different?


Title: Kodak gets cryptocurrency: Berlin start-up experiences hype and malice Old Name, new tech, what could possibly go wrong.

German talk show Markus Lanz
with guest star Dominik Schiener (iota founder). Topics: his life, iota and blockchain


Title: Dorothee Bär: E-Government is when the birth certificate is automatically available There is a declaration of intent to invest in Distributed Ledger Tech for e-gov purpose. Surprising. Hope she will deliver and not only promise

Title: Researchers: Bitcoin blockchain misused to spread child pornography
I hate it to post such news. But this was big the whole week.
Also here: http://www.sueddeutsche.de/wirtschaft/kryptowaehrung-die-dunkle-bitcoin-seite-1.3918779?reduced=true
The PDF source: https://fc18.ifca.ai/preproceedings/6.pdf

Title: Trust has fallen into crisis
A critical discussion if it is good to replace human trust with blockchain technology. If nobody trust anybody what happens to humanity? The assessment that this will have negative consequences is imho wrong.

Interesting survey about crypto here the PDF:


Title: Twitter boss: "Bitcoin will be the only currency in ten years"
I thought it is dead.

Title: Cryptocurrency Dash opens representative office in Germany
Dash is shilled hard here in Germany... Not the first time.

Title: Beginners should know that before buying cryptocurrencies
Fast and dirty tutorial about Cryptocurrencies in German mainstream press. Let the community grow.

Title: Morgan Stanley: Bitcoin is evolving like the dotcom bubble - only 15 times faster
Someone sees read so someone needs a bubble comparison.

Title: EDNA meeting on Blockchain: The disruption comes later
German Energy Association knows the blockchain will be the future

Binance goes Europe

Title: My hunt for shoes
Clickbait title are shoes better then bitcoins. Short Answer: NO


Title: Huawei: Plan for Blockchain-Smartphone
Come on jump on the blockchain hype train... Kodak, Atari, ice tee are already here...

Title: The typical Bitcoin investor is male, young and gambling – that's a problem
Can't see the Problem here. There is always a start at some point. The young of today, are the old of tomorrow.


Title: What is the blockchain?
If you don't already know...

Title: Visiting the SAP Innovation Center Potsdam - Blockchain does not always have to be a crypto
Great that all big companies come to the same conclusion: Blockchain is worth to research.

Out of the line news:

Official Statement about G20 from German finance ministry:

The PDF related to this:
We acknowledge that technological innovation, including that underlying crypto-assets, has the potential to improve the efficiency and inclusiveness of the financial system and the economy more broadly. Crypto-assets do, however, raise issues with respect to consumer and investor protection, market integrity, tax evasion, money laundering and terrorist financing. Crypto-assets lack the key attributes of sovereign currencies. At some point they could have financial stability implications. We commit to implement the FATF standards as they apply to crypto-assets, look forward to the FATF review of those standards, and call on the FATF to advance global implementation. We call on international standard-setting bodies (SSBs)to continue their monitoring of crypto- assets and their risks, according to their mandates, and assess multilateral responses as needed.
Link to the PDF http://www.bundesfinanzministerium.de/Content/DE/Downloads/G20-Dokumente/2018-03-23-Kommunique-G20-Buenos-Aires.pdf?__blob=publicationFile&v=1

Other news about G20:

Interesting official PDF and news from USA:
source: https://www.congress.gov/115/crpt/hrpt596/CRPT-115hrpt596.pdf

The list is not complete, especially duplicate and a lot of coin/ico shill news are missing. I have tried not to filter too much and to present the sources in a balanced way from the general press to special press (like computers and finance)
I am not a native English speaker please PM if you have constructive critic about spelling and grammar.

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