The Cryptocurrency of Privacy - Deep Onion

in cryptocurrency •  8 years ago  (edited)

For those following me, you might have read my introductory post about the new altcoin, Deep Onion. If you missed it, here is the link:

For this week's installment, I thought I'd approach things from more of a personal standpoint and what the Deep Onion airdrop has done for me.

If you've read my first few post on Steemit, you know I'm currently in recovery (it will be 17 months sober on the 8th of September). I was a hopeless addict for quite a few years and I credit my life to a 12 step program. The reason I bring this up is because that was how I first got introduced to crypto - buying heroin off of the original Silk Road. The first time I bought bitcoin, I had to send a Western Union to a random person in an Eastern European country. By the time I hit one of my first bottoms, I got scammed trying to sell 20 btc for $80. In attempting to get sober, I decided I had to leave crypto behind.

It was in April of this year that I decided to get back into the game, but this time for good reasons - to help save for retirement and invest. I got involved in a few airdrops (Minereum, Timereum, Kekcoin, URHOC, etc.). Some of them have had their moments, but I've never been as excited about any of those as I am about the newest altcoin airdrop that I'm participating in - Deep Onion.

Why am I so excited? I'll go ahead and list a few reasons:

  1. The community behind this coin is amazing and growing daily
  2. The Devs are very involved and their communication is great
  3. This is not an ICO and 90% of the coins are being given away
  4. Anonymity - this coin uses technology to protect your identity and peace of mind

There are many more, but those are just a few. Another reason I love this coin is it has the possibility of being a life changer. My wife and I are currently struggling with infertility and the costs for IUI and IVF are extremely high. I hope to continue to be a contributing member of the community for the entire 40 week airdrop (and beyond). I plan to hold this coin for a long time, but the 10% that I'm able to sell will go a long way in helping us pay for those treatments. All this is because of the generosity of the Dev team.

So, if you haven't gotten involved with this coin, I highly recommend you check it out. Here are a few links to get you started:

Official Website:

Official Forums:

Bitcointalk Thread:

Nova Exchange:

If you'd like to apply for the airdrop - Please read the rules first to see if you're eligible - here's my referral link:

This coin is going places and you should check it out while it's still young.

Thanks for reading and please comment and or follow if you enjoyed!


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Great post.
The fears of most person(s) involved in bitcoin is basically the presence of fake bitcoin mining sites.
I have been duped before. I advised we trade with caution
Please check out my newest post. Its great

I you said, the community behind this coin is very strong.
Also, in 2018 we will see a lot of new feature as explain in their roadmap.
This coin as a huge potential in the anonymous cryptocurrency

Indeed Deeponion is most secure crypto currency out there furthermore it is fast and anonimous. taking in the current price and it's future potentiel: defenitly a solid future coin!

A great review of the privacy coin DeepOnion. It has been a wonderful experience seeing DeepOnion grow so much in so less time. I really hope for the best and bright future for DeepOnion.

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

Great post. I agree with you! DeepOnion is getting better and better by the minute!

I have been participating in the project from the very beginning, and I am pleased with it. I'm happy to be part of the DeepOnion community. The price has started to grow again, and in the future I am sure that it will be even higher thanks to the technology of DeepSend.
Soon the developers promise some nice news, we are waiting impatiently.

good explanation of all features of deeponion. An attractive coin with all features required for anonymity