Social Wallet is the innovative idea allows the users to send and receive cryptocurrency through multiple social network sites by using their personal social account. The user only needed the social profile username to do the successful transaction on the social wallet. Anyone with the social network account can use the platform to send the money across the globe.
The social wallet is leveraging the latest blockchain technology to provide seamless service to the users. The platform is highly secure and provides easy to access features in the system. Social wallet inclusion in the social network ecosystem will change the way we do online money transfer today. It will revolutionize the industry with the new concept and give the users ability to freely transfer the money to anyone in the world without compromising the security.
How Social Wallet platform works?
The Social wallet utilizes current social networking infrastructure to send, receive cryptocurrency easily from one point to another securely. The best thing about the platform that you do not require to setup anything to become the sender or receiver of the money. You just need your social account on the popular social networking site. A person with basic knowledge can also do the transaction without taking anyone help.
The Social wallet has integrated top social platform such as Facebook, Twitter, email, etc. to transact the cryptocurrency. The company has the plan to add more social platform in the system so people will have a wide range of option to choose from. By utilizing the social network username, people will save the time which generally takes to register on the platform. Sending cryptocurrency is very easy by using the Social wallet platform. You just need to select their social profile on the platform and send the money instantly. The receiver will get the alert of received money, and he can verify the transaction. The platform is very quick and does the job in few seconds.
Social Wallet Initiative:
The Wallet concept will use the reach on social media platform to let know the world about the power of the blockchain and cryptocurrency technology. The company is passionate about using the blockchain technology to serve the users. The study shows that only small amount of people know about the cryptocurrency and its use in the market. The company is a plan to change this environment very soon. Social wallet company will work closely with the existing users and encourage them to bring more users on the board by allowing them to send and receive cryptocurrency anyone easily. Once we grab the opportunity and found what attract the more customer on the board, the company is planned to use their resources to amplify the story and reach a larger audience in the short period. By just telling people to join might not work and the company understands this better. There has to be a proper plan that needs to be executed to show the real value of using the cryptocurrency business and its benefit. Until people utilize the platform first time, they will not get to know how it will change their life.
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