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BitSilver ftw!!!

YES! your killing it lol

Dear Crypto Investors,
Welcome to our world. PM investors have been putting up with these price swings since 1971. Did you really think the Fed, Banksters, and Govt. Goons would give you a free pass? Hang on for your lives because it does not get any easier.

As for Gold and Silver stocks, I would be very careful before wading into that cesspool. I'm also strictly a physical stacker, no more mining stocks for me! I dabbled with mining stocks about 10 years ago and I really got disgusted with the whole sector. Exploration stocks (while a very few have gone to the moon) are mostly filled with scammers and scumbags. As they say in Star Wars, "You will never find a more wretched hive of scum and villainy. We must be cautious.".

If your companies are in the US or Canada, they get taxed and regulated out of business. If they are in South America or Africa, they get nationalized by tin-pot dictators.

But the worst of the worst of the worst are the "newsletter writers". They come across as delivering political commentary, but in reality are just pumping penny stocks.

I quit the mining sector and am almost exclusively physical. If I cannot hold it in my hand, I don't control it.....therefore I don't own it.

Everything said above is spot on. Holding the refined, ultimate product of mining companies in your hand, i.e. Gold and silver bars and coins is the smartest play there is. No third party liability, no negotiation, no recurring fees, no arguments! Just the real deal 6,000 year old proof of stake.

Got Bullion?

I agree with you, young man, but I like physical metal, especially silver. Don't forget the baseball card, on the wall, when you leave.

great post, thanks for sharing!

I think more people will buy crypto because of the current situation.
I mean, if I was intrested in buying bitcoin or any other crypto coin and I saw they recently went up so much. I would wait for the drop.

And the ICO regulation could be good in a way for every altcoin and ethereum. Maybe I'm wrong, but I think because of this regulation we'll get less shitcoins and a better reputation for crypto.

Tell me if I'm wrong.

Also @jacobcards do you think now is a good time to buy Eth?
Or do you expect that Eth will continue to fall a little bit more?

Good for you on your moving out in 2 days. Yes the cryptocurrencies are in fear now. Great that you have that 2 year cushion.

"Buy when there's blood in the streets, even if the blood is your own"
-Baron Rothschild

Do you buy physical gold or paper? Any suggestion of where to buy?