New bill proposed to declare Bitcoin at US borders

in cryptocurrency •  8 years ago  (edited)

This is one of the most bizarre news articles that I have seen in the fight for regulation in the industry. A new bill is being proposed for travelers to declare the amount of Bitcoin and other digital assets owned by the individual.

I have been in IT for many years and to my knowledge, it will be very difficult to implement controls to enforce this requirement. Sure it is very possible to detect hard ware wallets, USB devices with the usual tech. Sure you can use the enforcement by fear technics, but how will someone know how much I have in an online crypto wallet, or on a specific wallet on an exchange. Even if I have nothing in my wallet when I enter the country, to get somebody to transfer from their account.

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I do not believe this is enforceable. Maybe using scare tactics and enforcing harsh penalties.

You can read the full published article [here]

A controversial new Congressional bill regarding digital currency has just been introduced by Sen. Chuck Grassley (R-IA). The bill would require the Secretary of Homeland Security to work with the Commissioner of U.S. Customs and Border Protection in order to put forward a "border protection strategy to interdict and detect prepaid access devices, digital currencies, or other similar instruments, at border crossings and other ports of entry for the United States." This bill, if passed, would have significant implications for digital currency holders around the world.

Background of U.S. Bill S.1241

The proposed bill, designated U.S. Bill S.1241, was introduced on May 25 of this year and co-sponsored by Sen. Diane Feinstein (D-CA), Sen. John Cornyn (R-TX), and Sen. Sheldon Whitehouse (D-RI). The bipartisan group of Senators who have put the bill forward hope that it will deter individuals entering the United States from bringing in undetected and undeclared assets in the form of digital currencies such as Bitcoin and Ethereum.
A portion of the bill stipulates that the Department of Homeland Security and the U.S. Customs and Border Protection agency would devise "an assessment of infrastructure needed to carry out the strategy" of blocking these undeclared funds from entering the country. The Secretary of Homeland Security and the Commissioner of U.S. Customs and Border Protection would be required to present their findings to Congress within 18 months of the passage of the bill.

Implications for Travelers

Travelers entering the United States at the border are already obligated to declare any currency holdings of $10,000 or more, regardless of whether or not custom officials might have the means to detect those holdings. While digital currencies occupy a somewhat unusual place in many portions of finance law, a report by Smaulgld suggests that the situation is relatively clear in this case. Because digital currencies technically accompany a holder anywhere that he or she goes, including across a border, that traveler would need to declare his or her entire cryptocurrency portfolio every time he or she enters the United States. This is different from the requirements of travelers who hold bank accounts and/or precious metals valued at more than $10,000 which are stored outside of the country.
How would the federal government develop an infrastructure to detect foreign holdings including digital currencies? It is possible that the Foreign Account tax Compliance Act could be expanded to regulate foreign cryptocurrency exchanges. Alternatively, a global monitoring system could be put in place to watch over blockchain ledgers. Beyond that, there are a number of measures that agencies could take at the border to deter travelers from withholding information, including extreme vetting systems and harsh penalties for nondisclosure. Regardless, it is safe to assume that the cryptocurrency community, famously opposed to central regulation, will have something to say about this bill.

Full Credit to Investopedia for publication, you can read the article here

What is the date today? Is it maybe the 1st of April?

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LoL I will remember just 12 words seed :)

Technically your bitcoin can be anywhere? why do you need to declare it?

Crazy thing is I was just think about that this. You are not a loud to travel with a lot of money without declaring it, so I would have to think the same thing with cryprots. Think about it, some people might have thousands of dollars in their online "wallets" and can fly over seas with it.


Indeed @evanross. Thank you for the comment.

Maybe the best solution is to put all your cryptos into paper wallets and put them in a safe. That way your portfolio would not

technically accompany a holder anywhere that he or she goes, including across a border

Since it's sitting at home in a safe.

That's a good idea, but it won't work with Steem unless you completely power down.

This might be a good way to do it :)

Utterly ridiculous and near impossible to enforce

I think it is fear of the unknown... Maybe they assume too many things about crypto and see its unparalleled growth in recent times, to come to quick false conclusions.

I would love to see how this is enforced. It just doesn't make any sense what they are trying to do.


Ok, how are they going to know how many BTC do you have? Or any one in your family? You can get an anonymus wallet and transfer it there for the time beeing in the US. They can't get hold of that if it is in hard wallet.

In other way, if you enter the US with the hard wallet on you is not like having money. It is the same issue if I have over 10k on my German debit account and not beeing an US citizen.

Thanks for the comment @alexvan. This is exactly how I see it.

Its all about control and undermining anything that hurts the central banks. "Terrorism" is used t justify all their actions. What a JOKE.

Technically, if you own Bitcoin under these proposed laws and have the information in your brain, you have now committed a thought crime and can be jailed. Prove you are innocent, good luck with that.


Indeed. :)

Senators who have put the bill forward hope that it will deter individuals entering the United States from bringing in undetected and undeclared assets in the form of digital currencies such as Bitcoin and Ethereum.?????????<<<<!!!!!!! you seriously don't want people bringing money into the united states????? are you freaking retarded? holy shit these congressmen are total retards. incompetent. this government needs a total overhaul. also remove the mostly democrat pedophiles. this insanity needs to stop. Senator Grassley.... get a freaking brain!!

i hate when america turns sugar into shit! this country is going to regulate the hell out of any cryptocurrency the first chance they get smfh!

I wrote about this 2 days ago. Just think if you make a mistake on the form you fill out, they can seize your accounts and toss you in jail for 10 years? America, land of the free, for those you can afford it.

Looks like the government folks haven't understood the tech behind bitcoin

Doesn't seem that they do :) Lol

Next thing you know they will make you declare all your virtual assets including virtual worlds, video game avatars, mario bros. tokens. What a joke!

This is just silly.... who would declare it? Theres no way then can find out what your holdings are... it just makes no sense at all.

Great post @jacor

Thanks for sharing!

Fully agree. Anther question: Let's say I have $2 Billion Dollars in my normal bank account, why should this not also be declared?

I'mma go print this out on toilet paper an wipe my ass with it!!!

Give em something to regulate.

Whahaha :)

Wow, that's totally stupid. Guess America is not as free as it is used to be!

It sounds like that yes :)

This is a paranoid Government in fear of losing its Dollars which is in big debt to Bitcoin..


Thanks for your comment

  ·  8 years ago (edited)

I really doubt if this can be fully implemented.
I guess it's an April fool joke.


Me: Bitcoin? I only have full coins!


(my bitcoin is my business only)

Great comment thanks @capitalpink LOL

Followed you :)


I returned the favor and followed you back

One more reason for me to stay out of the 'land of the free'. :-(

It may not easily be to enforce, but it clearly shows the mindset of the people governing us. Their aim is to limit personal freedom and monitor and control us a much as possible.

If I leave my wallet in the U.S. wouldn't this get around the law? It's not like I have to declare my house, car, precious metals stored at home, etc. If I'm not bringing the wallet into the U.S. there's no way it's legal to make me declare it!

Wow this is really bizarre. How the hell do they want to enforce this? I have to believe this has to be some sort of joke,.... right?

The source looks good ?

Yeah it looks good so i guess it is true. Seems like the government is even more terrified of cryptos than we expected.

They are just wasting their time with this bill, it is 100% unenforceable. It just goes to show politicians' lack of understanding of cryptocurrency.

yeah its usa greedy
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I really wish this was an April Fool's joke. :/

This would be almost impossible to enforce. They are just going end up resorting to scare tactics. I don't see this going anywhere good, this may actually even deter some travelers from entering the states depending on the tactics that they choose to employ.

This will be difficult to police!! I wonder when our authorities will start thinking about this? (It just shows that the US Authorities at least recognize Bitcoin as real money and assets!!)

Tax, Tax, Tax...they just dont get it, no wonder Washington is so out of tune with the people.


Big brother shitting his pants again at the thought of a decentralized global currency. The real issue here is that innovation far outpaces legislation and this will continue to be an issue for many years to come. We must always understand though that the rapid pace of innovation in cryptocurrency stifles its mainstream adoption.

In any case, time to grab some popcorn.

Fukk That

The US busy with their ever increasing tactics of control over the world and their own nation. Luckily some technologies will be harder and smarter than the enforcement agencies. Well see how it turns out in the end.

So funny. Whales are easy to track, but you cant catch all the minnows.

Yeah, I saw this news the other day. Suppose I will just sell all my BTC next time I head out of the U.S. and then just by it all back on my return. Might actually be the better financial play :-)

That is probably the best way to do it @scaredycatguide. Thanks for the comment.

They are doing this as they don't know who has Crypto, once your registered well that's it you have a file !!!!

yes the government is terrified of bitcoin and cryptos so the and trying to instill fear in everyone to not use bitcoin because once the general public realizes the true power of bitcoin and start using it instead of the governments monopoly paper money we will gain back control

This is very true @rvale1992

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They want only make database of holders.

Probably :)

I am somehow not at all surprised. The government is always restrictive and stuck up. There are going to be much harsher persecutive procedures in the future. Embrace yourself!

The thieves can't stand being outwitted.

Congratulations @jacor
You took 78 place in my Top 100 of posts