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Top Crypto Events Planned for Tomorrow
1 - (FET): MOBX Airdrop
The first MOBX stakedrop... has been announced already and is expected to launch on August 3rd, 2021.
2 - Stacks (STX):MiamiCoin Launch
Through the CityCoins initiative, you can mine MiamiCoins from 3 August!
Some World Crypto News
#1 - Mohamed El-Erian, an adviser to Allianz and Gramercy Funds Management, says that “The time has come for more western governments to stop dismissing the crypto revolution as some mix of illicit payments schemes and reckless financial speculation.”
Western Governments Urged to Stop Ignoring Crypto Revolution
#2 - An NFT project founder lost 16 CryptoPunks and a bunch of ETH” after falling prey to a scammer. The scammer’s already sold 5 of those CryptoPunks and made $385,000.
Todays Top Gainer and Loser for Today
Top 10 Gainer (last 24 hour)
Top 10 Loser (last 24 hour)
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