Top Crypto Events Planned for Tomorrow
1 - ThoreCoin (THR): Buyback Announcement
Official Announcement 4 August 2019 , #TCH waves buyback
2 - Loom Network (LOOM): KuCoin Soft Staking
KuCoin will be enabling soft staking for LOOM on August 4th.
Some World Crypto News
1- You will no longer be using just apple iPhones and tabs, the Apple company is coming up with a new credit card. And for its new credit card, the company, has partnered with finance giant Goldman Sachs Group Inc.
2 - The retailing giant applied to patent a way to use a digital coin tied to a traditional fiat currency, which could allow for cheaper and faster transactions as well as loyalty features, according to a filing published Aug. 1 by the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office.