Kik, 15 Million active users Monthly, Releasing an ICO!

in cryptocurrency •  8 years ago 

Kik is getting into the cryptocurrency game announcing their ICO of Kin. There is no date set as of right now but definitely something to keep an eye on!

If you aren't familiar with Kik, they are a instant messaging app, similar to WhatsApp. They reportedly have 15 million active users monthly. They started using Kik Points as a "currency."

In their White Paper it was reported- "The Kik Points experiment was successful, with an average transaction volume of 300,000 transactionsper day for its lifetime from 2014 through 2016, reaching 2.6 million transactions per day at the peak. On
average, the monthly number of transactions was nearly three times that of the Bitcoin network."

Check out the website & white paper V1.

Let me know what you think!

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nice work keep it up bro


Fascinating to see an established company move to tokens as an internal points system.

It will probably work very well for them.

Interesting - but is it based on Ethereum or their own blockchain technology?

I believe Ethereum, not 100% sure though.