EOS is the digital AMERICA! (Or at least what America should've been)

in cryptocurrency •  7 years ago  (edited)

I really can't stand all of these fucktards. "EOS is a scam!", "Dan Larimer never stays with a project!", "My daddy says he hates me because I'm a fucking dipshit!". Well, I guess that last one is a fact. But the other two are just attempts by many many people in the cryptocurrency world to shit all over something that they know is going to crush whatever crypto they are invested in like its a pack of Lucky's.

EOS is THE ONLY cryptocurrency that I have absolute faith in. The ONLY one that I trust the developers of. The ONLY one that seems to be built for the people. As well as the ONLY cryptocurrency that not only makes me tear up like a little girl when I think about how lucky we all are to have someone like Dan Larimer who gives a fuck about something other than his ego and $$$, but also gives me a rock hard boner with excitement in anticipation of Vitalik Butterin eating his own acne ridden foot come June 1, 2018.

Sure, Ethereum served a purpose. It wasn't a purpose that the crypto sphere couldn't have done without in my opinion though. I might even say that it might have harmed the whole space in a way. In a big fucking way. It not only allowed any half cocked code monkey to write up some flawed, untested code and in turn, sink barges full of ETH to the bottom of the abyss after being so hyped up that everyone just trusted that it worked flawlessly. It doesn't. It wont. It can't. I don't want it to.

I see Ethereum as the catalyst that spun the ICO shit show into a fucking feeding frenzy of scams and shitcoins of every shape and size and "purpose". No oversight or question. Just pure speculation and greed. And nobody gave a fuck. I hope to god that something like this happens on EOS so that it can be promptly recognized and dealt with by the community that runs the platform through a prompt dismissal from the arena it tried to take advantage of others through. Which is what I feel EOS was made to do better than anything.........be responsive and responsible. In this day and age its too fucking easy to get duped. Too easy to make a tiny error and fuck off you entire nest egg. Also way to difficult to blindly trust that these trustless systems can be trusted enough to trust that there isn't a need for that trust we are all finding out the hard way was never really trustable enough to call trusted in the first fucking place.

Vittlestik Buttern may be smarter than smart. Genius even some would say. And who knows? Maybe he is. But he's not doing a great job in selling that story to me. Ive only seen and heard him scoff at the idea of anything being better than Ethereum. Not sure why he feels like thats an appropriate way to behave considering the fact that, even though I don't know shit about this technology (comparatively), I do know that its not fucking cutting it even in the most basic of capacities. Genius has foresight to see where problems could lie. Genius knows that theres always going to be competition (even if its competition from yourself). Genius knows when to concede and get to work on something that wont fuck up next time. But little kids don't know any of that shit. This kid doesn't seem to have a damn clue how the fucking actual WORLD works. How PEOPLE in that world behave. Or about all the fucked up shit that comes from all those fucking different people in that huge fucking world that can't ever be predicted with any degree of certainty by a little kid who's seemingly never had much experience with those real world experiences.

I see EOS as the platform that will operate and function the way that the United States was originally intended to work. It was supposed to work for the people. The people were supposed to be the voice of the nation and the politicians were supposed to be the talking heads that said what we wanted when we stuck our hands up their asses. Obviously that just got totally fucked a long time ago and unfortunately the system wasn't such that it could be noticed in such excess as to raise a real stink amongst the people who were said to have control of it. And then we lost our control over it. Well, I guess more so we had it taken from us. We didnt lose shit in reality.

I don't think that our government could have even functioned as intended for any lengthy period of time just due to the fact that its run by humans. Theres always going to be flawed humans. Flaws in their character and in there views. Flaws in interpreting things that shouldn't have been left to interpretation in the first place. Then the flaw became a crack, the crack became a breech, and then that breech allowed every fucking scumbag piece of shit lying motherfucker to run for a political office and spend their career getting their personal agendas tucked into those of the public. Until they didnt even bother to include the needs of the public anymore and disregarded everything that we told them we could use.

EOS is the missing link in the evolution of not only Blockchain technology in my opinion, but the link that will finally bridge the gap that has for too long separated "We The People" from the Government that the people are supposedly comprised of as well as built to serve. The checks and balances are fucking nonexistent. Its pathetic. Some fucknut lobbyist strolls in with a sack of cash, a weekend vacation package and a coupon book for a couple dozen top rate blowjobs and that bill just became a law. Seems legit, right? Well sadly, thats completely legit in todays government. And nobody says shit because everyone is doing it and theres not enough proof quickly enough to call them on their shitty behavior.

Imagine a scenario where you're elected into your position of office after winning your campaign. Yay!! You did it!! Congrats. But now you're bound to abide by this smart contract that will lead you on a path that you agreed upon in your initial campaign. No more flip flopping, so more friends with deep pockets getting favors. You wanna fuck it up and do it the way you see fit for yourself? Go ahead. But you're only gonna fuck up once and then that smart contract is going to promptly terminate your position and we will. be required to vote on another, more suitable choice that will fill your slot and surely not make the same mistakes that you chose to make.

Vitamin Buttrik sees the EOS block rewards and the distribution methods combined with the voting for the producers as more bribery than a mechanism that keeps the playing field accountable and loyal to their role as more or less servants of the community. Sure theres big money it for them and shit gets fucked up with money for sure. But with everything out in the open and everyone getting a chance to vote on how they think it should continue, the odds of these 21 block producers somehow getting enough of the peoples voting rights or just votes in general to corrupt the entirety of the system is highly unlikely. I don't even think that anyone will bother thinking to try something shady like that just because they have too much invested in the block producer position they have to risk easily losing it.

I hope that once all the old blood in our own government has finally shit their last diapers, the new generation will finally make a long needed change to the system that hasn't ever had the chance to function as it should since the beginning. It can't be 100% human run. Because all humans can be persuaded or bribed or blackmailed or enticed into some fucking underhanded fuckery that is only serving a few elite positions of power and their agendas. The Blockchain is hopefully exactly whats been needed to fuck that way of running our country, and others, right in the ass for the first and last time. Maybe after that we can actually have a consensus that means something and votes that make differences and people that will be held responsible or even, god forbid, perform their duties responsibly instead of doing whats needed to sustain their individual career path.

EOS is the year 1776 all over again. Liberty and optimism and all men created equal. All that good shit that once made people want to show their pride in this nation. Everything else in crypto is comparative to Watergate or Monica Lewinski's jizz stained dress. Just an abuse of a once proud nation. Detached from the dream and far removed from the desire of the people that create the the ability to allow it to even exist at all . But that will all start to break apart for good and for the better in a couple short months.


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