in cryptocurrency •  5 years ago 


Well from last years, It seems that there is trouble in heaven as the confidence in Facebook's future upcoming coin, Libra, starts to erode. Two of Libra’s early backers and founding members have already held some discussions about their “right forward steps” to take in light regulation of the backlash that Libra has seen.


We all knew that Libra was totally bullshit “cryptocurrency”. I feel weird even calling libra coin a cryptocurrency or virtual currency but hey, it is what it is. But it seems that the concern about Libra is not just localized to the cryptocurrency community only as regulators from around the world have all started to voice their opinions on the stable coin intended to be released by the digital powerhouse that is Facebook. This is apparent especially after lawmakers had asked Facebook how they can be trusted to hold data after receiving a $5-6 billion fine as a result of the Cambridge Analytical scandal, during a hearing at the United States House of Representatives Financial Services Committee.

Libra board members Starting To Have Second Thoughts
Well, it pretty well seems that things are starting to break down among the Libra Association, the regulatory body that acts as independent governance for Libra, as two founding members have already discussed what they should be doing next - with a third concerned about unwanted regulatory scrutiny due to their public support with Libra.

Members were required to make almost $9-10 million investment to be able to enter the Libra Association, however, it looks like the members are happy to throw their assets this away. In a recent Financial Times interview, one anonymous partner stated;

“I think it's going to be difficult for partners who want to be seen as in compliance to be out there supporting Libra.”

As a critic of Libra, I am pretty happy that the founding members are starting to have second thoughts - and I don’t blame them. There has already been an ample backlash against Libra to prove that this won’t be an easy venture for the digital giant.

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