RE: Breaking The Resistance Against Cryptocurrencies

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Breaking The Resistance Against Cryptocurrencies

in cryptocurrency •  8 years ago 

I understand that, but I am talking about guys that bought/mined in those years and just hodl'd. The 'invested €300 in 2010 and kept their coins till the price of €1000/€2000' kinda guys.

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I mined 200 BTC in 2010-2011. Did not hodl until today. rarely anybody does unless they forgot about them and remembered a few years later that had them.

Rarely anybody means some & besides that there are people who have been succesful with putting money into a new coin that went up a lot of %. My point is that I agree with you that money flows to the top, which makes total sense, but that new people , who don't suck as human beings, reach that top.