Cryptocurrency will take over banking sector ??

in cryptocurrency •  7 years ago 


lets campare fee of bank and cryptocurrency :

  1. Bank of america fee and structure,

What is monthly maintenance fee?

Are enrolled in the Preferred Rewards 1 program (waiver applies to first 4 savings accounts) You can also avoid the Monthly Maintenance Fee if you make combined monthly automatic transfers of $25 or more from your Bank of America checking account to your savings account during the immediately preceding statement cycle.


  1. How much is a wire transfer from Bank of America?

Financial institution Incoming domestic WireOutgoing domestic wire
Associated bank $15 $25
Bank of america $15 $30
Bank of internet usa $0 $35

  1. How much money do you need to open an account with Bank of America?
    Low opening deposit. Open a Bank of America Core Checking® account with an initial deposit of as little as $25. Open a Bank of America Interest Checking® account with an initial deposit of as little as $100..

  2. Crypto Transaction Fees :
    Crypto transaction are much low than bank transfer in this modern world everyone comes in cryptocurrency because crypto is future..

  3. Fee structure of binance
    Deposit are free..
    0.1% trading fee ..
    If you have BNB, you can choose BNB to deduct 50% trading fee..

So, what you thinking is crypto take off banking sector or not share your opinion in comment box
Best regards,
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nice post buddy .... to much info is very useul lots of people know about that great great nice work .... hope so see ur next is like very helpful ... thx for posting ...keep it up

Thank you

well defined


Yes off course cypto take off banking sactor within 10 year

i am not agree i thing in 2/4 years