RE: Bitcoin Cash Upgrade or Split? Samson Mow Runs Scared & All The Latest Bitcoin Cash News

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Bitcoin Cash Upgrade or Split? Samson Mow Runs Scared & All The Latest Bitcoin Cash News

in cryptocurrency •  6 years ago 

Wow. Well, kudos to you for that, at least. I mean it. Most folks just run when debates are proposed.

By a fair setting, could you perhaps give me some ideas?

Here is fine, or on Discord I am Graham Smith #4157

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By the way, tried adding you, but Discord said it didn't work.

Edit: Never mind.

Did it work?

Yeah. I go by Teemu on Discord.

Ah shit. I deleted it. There are so many “used ICO salesmen” on there I’m never sure. I’ll send a request your way.

Can you send me your tag #?

Haha, yeah, I didn't realize I obviously had a different username on Discord. I'd delete a random request, as well. :D


I would like to debate solutions to Bitcoin problems individually and not debate whether BCH is the solution to those.

I, for one, think what makes money good money is having a limited supply so creating new coins goes against that concept and should be the very last resort to fixing almost every Bitcoin's problem.

I would like to debate solutions to Bitcoin problems individually and not debate whether BCH is the solution to those.

The only issue I could see here is that to the Bitcoin Cash supporters, off-chain solutions are not preferable and so Bitcoin Cash is their solution. What we could do is debate whether or not it is a viable solution, and why/why not.

That would be great if you BCH'ers were just over in the corner working on your preferred solution, but Roger Ver and others crossed the line with their underhanded mimicry and claiming to be Bitcoin.

That is something they'll never be able to wash off, because that level of duplicity indicates a severe lack of ethics and character.

Even if Ver sold all of his BCH, said he was sorry to the world at large -- I still couldn't trust that guy, not after all the shit he's pulled.

Sorry, @transisto, got interrupted there. I've just received an email from the office and my message about the debate is being passed to Roger now. Like I said, though, the resolution is going to have to include BCH as a topic, even if we focus on viable solutions (or non-viable, depending on one's take on the matter) for scaling Bitcoin. The reason being, BCH is the vaible solution in the eyes of your opponents.

What about a resolution like this: Bitcoin Cash is a viable solution to Bitcoin scaling issues and other problems.

You would, of course, be arguing the negative, and Roger (if he accepts) the positive.

How is it "pulling shit" to disagree and go in one's own direction. Is this a dictatorship, or a free market space where individuals can dissent and choose to head down their own, new paths?

Why not let the market decide?

Again you "forget" what was discussed before. Re-read the main post on this thread. Deception and fakery isn't "the market" deciding.

But again, you play dumb at select moments so you don't have to confront reality.

No matter, the scam is unraveling quite quickly, just wait until Coingeek/Calvin Ayre pulls his hashrate when BCash forks. Too funny.

@talltim, Roger has agreed to debate @transisto. However, @transisto has yet to answer either here or in our private chat, it would seem. Would you like to debate, if he cannot? Then you can back up your claims in a formal fashion.

What is the color of the sky in your world?

I expressed no desire to engage with a sleazy con-man. Are you confused?

Why do you venerate an ethically lapsed egomaniac? The sycophant tendencies here are wholly repulsive.

Roger has agreed to debate. Just messaged you in Discord chat.