February Wrap Up & Moment of Nirvana

in cryptocurrency •  6 years ago  (edited)

So interesting month, short squeeze, well, contracts were up, so to be expected.

But, sentimental analysis, makes me wonder if we are close to the end of the bear market, see how happy everyone was, that hope was palpable, i could feel it ... that concerns me.

Bear markets cant end when there is hope, which ... somewhat annoys me, because if that's the case, a lot of the reds from this month, were green's.

There is some sense of solidarity in the fact of all this institutional architecture getting built, which ... could, shift retail, they seem to want it ... i don't think its the answer, as i think they are already here, but the retail contingent, really see's that as the cavalry, well, let them.

Though i had a moment of Nirvana today, through a series of unfortunate circumstances, i found myself in one of those common crypto investor scenario's , you know, where you look at your portfolio and your like "oh im worth that much, nice" and then you look in your wallet, and your like ... "right, ok so i have 4 bucks fiat"

I would love to say it was because i bought some amazing dip in the market, but in reality i was short because i bought some amazing pizza the weekend prior, Messina's, South Windsor, highly recommended to all, as a man who's diet consists 95% of pizza, i can say their food is top notch for the price point, invest, in some good take out now and then.

But i digress, as a result, i found myself raiding my piggy bank of cash, yes i know, its a filthy word, and the strangest thing happened.

As i was paying with it, for my cigarettes and coffee in the morning, i was literally thinking and feeling just how stupid it was that i was paying with a piece of paper.

As i walked up the street towards my day, listening to Epica, The Holographic Principle (Highly Recommended) i could not help but think, how digital, was just so far more sensible... was rather strange, but, it gave me insight.

Once again, what we need is development and adoption.

Investor i may be, dabbler in trading at times, but practically, why would i sell to fiat for purchases in a world where i don't have to, why not just spend my margin gain for the day prior?

It was an interesting moment, i have always been passionate about cryptocurrency but it was the first moment i could say where i literally felt, the absurdity, of paying with a piece of paper.

So i think Mr Draper is correct, i think ... 5 years, is a bit ambitious, as i don't think retail store adoption is moving that fast, but i certainly think, paper fiat currency, will certainly be a thing of the past in what i would say is more realistic with a technology curve, in at least 15 years.

As an aside, are there any investors out there getting ready to pounce on the British Pound once brexit is sealed? i seriously think there is some opportunity there, she will bleed hard, then bounce.

To round out for the month, because i am so ever fucking tired, portfolio spreads? To be honest, am just keeping it quite vanilla at the moment, BTC & ETH, that's it, many other opportunities on the table, but personally, i did my accumulation of those last year, my concern, is that the market will turn, so whilst i may take positions, in new projects, if they overwhelmingly impress me, i cant diverge from the fact, that the market as a whole does not turn, until BTC & ETH do and ... that could happen with a white swan event, at any time so i think, if your positions in those are not large enough to have a sell volume, its probably something to look into.

Invest Portfolio, Sell Portfolio, Trade Portfolio, you need to have all three in order.

The rest of the month? Good, lots of developments in Atlas, have been re-watching that 90's show Charmed on Stan, which ... has been odd, since i grew up with it, yet oddly, remember none of it, spider actually came back for a visit, apparently i am its friend now, much wine, good music and for those in gaming circles, fyi, there is a secret Pure Pwnage meet up in Calgary next month (March) that Jarret should be attending, for more info hit up GeoffTheWorld.

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