I’ve really been into XVG – Verge lately and truly believe in their technology. I recently started mining it on my spare computer and I’d like to share these with you.
Mining nowadays uses GPU instead of CPU because it’s faster, so you will need a decent video card. Sure you can spend thousands of dollars on a system built specifically for mining, but I’m not one of those people. I have a GTX 960 in my main computer and a GT 720 on my spare computer. Nothing fantastic, but it gets the job done.
I found a great video at
Then you’ll need to create a .bat file with this text: ccminer-x64 -a x17 -o stratum+tcp://yiimp.eu:3777 -u DMDw2TPvwcbBYqgJALhgjQqngHr8Cdsd9d -p c=XVG
You can change the wallet address (The DMD….9d hash) or you can leave it so it donates to me :blush:
I’ve been running this for a couple days and have earned several Verge coins. Try it out and let me know.