CRYPTOWARS - Sparks of Revolution - Chapter 1

in cryptocurrency •  9 years ago  (edited)

 They say cryptocurrency can end war. I'm here to inform you the war has already begun.

Sparks of Revolution

It was in the Underground Arts in Philadelphia. A group of libertarians, punks and anarchists gathered for alcohol fueled comedy skits with music.

Inexpensive yet high IPA alcohol flowed from the taps and cheap jokes with high cheers filled the atmosphere with fellowship and happiness.

It was odd. Not the typical place I normally find myself in. Ten dollar cover charge in fiat or silver to get in and not an every day crowd there at the Underground Arts.

Organization of this event was directly connected to the End The Fed rally, born from the Ron Paul Revolution in late 2008. The crowd was a mostly rowdy and excited antigovernment type and it had grown exponentially now in 2013.

Sitting at the bar talking to the bartender about the Federal Reserve, Masons, the Illuminati and aliens, I was building a good buzz and enjoying the talk thoroughly.

The bartender was tending to customers and I found myself alone listening to a survivalist on stage give examples of simple survival techniques when a man walked towards me from the seating area.

He was awkward to say the least. Very shy. Sat next to me with his drink of water and I knew I had recognized him from somewhere but could not put a finger on it.

"Hey Keith, quite a rally today" the young man stated to me with a smile.

"An exceptional rally! We had a lot more people show up and I don't ever see us going away" I replied to him even though I could not put a name on him.

"Did you ever look into bitcoin after we talked?" He asked just strait shooting to the point.

That was when it clicked where I recognized him from. It was one of the End The Fed rallies back in 2010. He approached me with his laptop and business cards trying to sell me bitcoin.

Quite the deal might I add, 220 bitcoins for $20. Bitcoin was more now, unsure how much more I replied "nah, I have been pretty busy but I looked into it".

The young man took a sip of his water as if it was an alcoholic beverage, plucked his lips and expressed his quench of thirst with a sound.

"Yea, well it's $100 dollar now. I bet you wish you got in on it then." He stated to me.

Well of course. Why wouldn't I have wanted to make twenty thousand dollars on an investment. I wasn't making that kind of money off my silver investments and was lucky to make that kind of money working.

"You know this is the answer you seek." The man said while tumbling a coin in his hand at the bar.

"The answer to what" I blurted out in a tone to blow him off.

"The answer to your question" he quickly replied. "You want to End the Fed, and you will one day see that mission accomplished but likely under their own terms. Bitcoin and cryptocurrency is the answer to your question. Your question on how it will end. We are building a new economy."

I vaguely remember our previous encounter. He knew a great deal about me back then as he does now so I kept my distance with any information or business I would reveal to him.

"I got to get back to New Jersey but do me a favor, look deeper into bitcoin. Blockchain technology is the means to the end you seek. This is truly the people's money, based on numbers. I cannot predict where it will go from here but it's a beginning of something big. Good speech by the way."

I shook his hand and we parted ways.

There, as an anarchist leaning towards decentralized money systems, I was planted a seed. This is where the beginnings of a revolution was truly built in my own psyche. Revolutionaries coming together for a better future and spreading ideas like wildfires.

If you cannot End the Fed, turn your back on them.



Chapter 2

By: Keith Smith

The Nexus Project

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Can't wait to read the rest :)

A permanent ledger is the answer you seek. Sweet.

Going to read all the chapters! Really interesting and excellently written.
Thank you

Thank you! Compliments are worth their weight in crypto :-)

I'm not sure if this is a true story, derived from a true story, or complete fiction, but it's interesting :P

True story.

This is a true story and I broke it up into chapters easier for crypto folk to digest.

Fascinating. You must know some weird dudes :P

I most certainly do!

And you take advantage of it and monetize them! Good job! :P