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Keep holding

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

is it ok to hold alts or should i sell 😕😕😕😕

If you're going to sell it because it's down, then don't. If you want to get rid of something just because you don't to hold it any more... then wait until it goes back up :-P

Ok thanks

I sold one of my alts. But only because I wanted to take some profits from an ICO to buy something else and the crash actually gave me a better rate of exchange than when they were both up

Keep calm and Hold everything will be Ok
after the black tuesday and the bitconnect scam , bitcoin and altcoin will rise again:)

The bitconnect scam has made me question my investments but i'm still going to HODL

Good stuff, brotha! Pogo on!

Hodl!! Shitting brick the other day but I'm in for the long ! I got you Kenny soon!