Bitcoin Ben

in cryptocurrency •  7 years ago 

So I have been watching youtube videos of this guy for a few weeks now and he speaks a lot on different crypto's such as litecoin, eos, and others. He has said on several occasions that he has some inside guys giving him the low down on what is going to happen but I am wondering if that seems legit or far-fetched? So far he has made some pretty accurate predictions but I am wary of any investing because I have been burned in the past. I am just looking for people that are reputable that I can get advise from in order to make some extra money to pay bills. I am not interested in making millions of dollars overnight which seems to be the general consensus of the things that I have researched through. If any of you could make suggestions on good people to follow that would be appreciated.

Thanks for any help you guys can provide.

Also is there a place where I can do research that is not biased or perhaps less biased?

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