Which Cryptocurrency Projects Are You Supporting and Why?steemCreated with Sketch.

in cryptocurrency •  8 years ago  (edited)

Sometimes I like to look at Steemit as the hub for all sorts of communities, including cryptocurrency enthusiasts, naturally. Let's lay it out on the table and have each other go over our choices. So what coins have you been holding for long-term value and why? Feel free to talk about the upcoming ICOs that you're looking out for too. Needless to say, I'm on the STEEM ship :)

Most recent ICO that I'm into: https://taas.fund/ (Diversification of cryptofunds)

ICOs on the horizon that I'll be getting into:-

Follow me @kevinwong

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William Banks of VIVAcoin will be in next Friday's Beyond Bitcoin Mumble session.

williambanks11:49 AM
@all https://steemit.com/beyondbitcoin/@officialfuzzy/guest-signups-beyond-bitcoin-hangout-204-4-21-17-debut-projects-for-a-cut-of-hangout-earnings
[Guest Signups] Beyond Bitcoin Hangout #204 - 4/21/17 - (Debut Projects for a Cut of Hangout Earnings!) — Steemit
Get your project noticed the community that made Steem Possible! Notice: Payouts have gone out to Guest… by officialfuzzy

I signed up

Cool, looking forward to that one.. ! need to make sure i get my time correct :)

Yes I was going to mention VIVA too. Kevin, you should join us at chat.vivaco.in. There's a lot of Steemians on there. You can also download the VIVA white paper from here

Yes I will in a few days :) thanks @nextgen622!

You're welcome mate.

me too.

Have you considered having a voice on discord too. I think it will help many more steemians join. I have always been saying i will join this then get to the Mumble part but i will join this time after this comment. Hopefully, to understand williambanks and his vivacoin project better.

I just bought my first Bitshares today.

Invested in STEEM / BTC / GRC as well.

Nice i'm in all those, except GRC - thanks for the reminder! Seems just about the same for iex.ec and golem, except that it's specifically for distributed research i guess..

Exactly. The neat research is the real draw, the GRC is just a nice bonus.

Golem. Best real industrial world blockchain solution for actual problems.
Steem (not just steemit but the entire project) for most advanced and fastest blocks.
Synereo the Facebook like capabilities makes it hard to ignore
Bitshares decentralised exchange, enough said.
Ripple banking solutions and support
Ethereum the future of everything.Probably the most important network of humankind that will ever exist.

http://iex.ec/ is something like Golem. There's a sort of comparison available on: https://www.smithandcrown.com/sale/iexec/ (Check it out..)

I've sold more than half of my Ether, waiting to get in back again..

What about Synereo? Still a tough sell for me..

I got in on Synereo during the ICO, got out after losing 60-70% on the investment. could potentially turn around, though my confidence was not inspired since the ICO. seems like they have alot of philosophical & theoretical activity, though not the entrepreneurial skill and practical strategic roadmap to simplify their grand ideals into workable applications that may be likely to gain traction with a wide audience. I could be wrong, though not resonating with this one much and thus putting my money elsewhere in projects that are more easily understandable and have trackable, unarguable progress occuring...

Well let's see. They said their proper prototype's gonna be out around mid-year. Have you seen their blog post? Seems very ambitious, although practically I don't know if it's gonna go anywhere..

haven't been reading too much lately, as seemed like just that - lots of ambition, though probably not so much practicality to back up the idealism. I could be wrong, though what I've observed so far hasn't inspired confidence that they may have what it takes to implement the ideals...

Taas seemed pretty sketchy to me when I looked at it, so I didn't end up contributing. Big question that I couldn't find an answer to: where does the remaining 25% go? They say 50% of trading profits go back to investors, 25% purchase more assets, but never mention the last 25%.

My conclusion, because they didn't offer me any reason to believe otherwise, is that they're going to be effectively charging a 25% management fee.

That, and they have that clause in their ToS that says that the crowdsale isn't open to US citizens - of which I am one. I know that's mostly just a formality, but since I didn't feel good about the project in the first place, it gave me one more reason to step out.

I'm intrigued by Lunyr, which has a very well-priced crowdsale happening right now. They haven't hit their minimum yet with just 10 days to go, but their Ethereum smart contract apparently refunds all the money if they don't hit the minimum.

And I'll also almost certainly participate with Gnosis.

Hmm it's shown in the main page?

They're going live on two exchanges right after ico too so that's alright ;)

Hmm Lunyr.. seems too niche atm but may grow to have more participants in the future, although I'm not sure if there are any projects out that that would include something like this as a subset of their activities. Just didn't seem like something whole to me hmm.. but gonna look into it again!

What's your take on the reverse auction? Almost guaranteed to be done by 1st day anyway.. unless if the price is crazy high.. has it been decided?

Taas - I'm not talking about ICO funds, I'm talking about ongoing trading profits.

Auction - I agree, it's going to end crazy early. It's a smart move on their part for sure, but I need to think more about whether I approve of the auction mechanism itself from a game-theoretic perspective. There's something about it that feels almost gimmicky, but I really need to work it out. I won't make the mistake I made with Cosmos: "oh, surely it'll last at least 2 hours." Oops.

My thought with Lunyr is that it's the kind of project that could attract a huge amount of buzz and create something really wonderful. Wikipedia is already essentially distributed, why not put it on something that looks like a blockchain?

Ah that one:

Just put a lil on Lunyr - it's interesting indeed.. wonder why it's pretty low

Glad you showed me that bit from Taas. My suspicions are confirmed. :)

We'll see about Lunyr. I like the sound of it, and the crowdsale terms are great, but I wonder whether it should worry me that they're not collecting much money.

great question...

lately, I've gotten into Golem - which is essentially an Ethereum-based distributed CPU platform or 'world supercomputer', through which anyone can 'rent' their unused CPU power for use on the network - the first big application proposed being for CGI graphics, which would lower cost and significantly increase rending time... looks like this one could be a very significant development if pulled off successfully with some very interesting applications including business data analytics, AI & machine learning, collaborative scientific research & cryptography...

another, Namecoin - a decentralized alternative to domain hosting.

I threw a couple hundred bucks into the Humaniq ICO - not so much in hopes of huge returns, but simply because the premise of developing a blockchain-based system to serve the banking needs of billions in the third world who are currently excluded from the conventional banking system seems like a great cause to support. concept is great, prototype & plans look good, and will no doubt create some great positive impact in the world, even if doesn't go huge.

scaling up a little bit on Ethereum. and holding onto what Bitshares I did invest in - currently at a 3x return since last summer, and could only be the start of a climb. and of course, got a good chunk of Steem Power locked in, even though taking out some Power-Downs weekly to diversify in these others.

I did also get in on the Blockchain Capital Fund crowdfund

thanks for the reminder on Gnosis. truthfully, I don't fully understand it or its implications, though sense it could be a significant one. may check out iEx.ec too...

Nice. I've brought up Golem before and there were concerns about newer machines being way faster than what most mainstream computer users would have, so generally most people wouldn't be able to benefit from the golem network..

another, Namecoin - a decentralized alternative to domain hosting.

Haven't looked into this before.. thanks! Seems like the price spiked a few weeks ago.

I threw a couple hundred bucks into the Humaniq ICO

Sadly they did the 49.9% bonus for first 48 hours. Kinda feel duped putting into that after missing the window lol..

I did also get in on the Blockchain Capital Fund crowdfund

Ah i was ready to go big into this one, but missed the window by a hairline! So https://taas.fund is my next go to..

there were concerns about newer machines being way faster than what most mainstream computer users would have

raises a good point, as to how the dynamic might shift the business model as quantum computers come up. though at the same time, there could still be potential for other components of the platform even if the distributed processing power piece flops - such as the scientific research stuff shared on a blockchain-based database...

Lisk, because I think the familiarity of javascript will make it much easier for developers to work on the platform and create dapps, then will other similar crypto offerings. Whether or not that is true we will see. There are likely more inherent security issues due to it being built with javascript too so that may hold its value back. Nevertheless, I actually like the slow and steady development that has been taking place in that project and I foresee large long-term growth.

And of course I hold a bit of STEEM as well ( I see similar huge long term value here, and by long term I mean on the scale of years ), and BTC.

I got some LISK too atm :) @lpfaust is a big supporter hehe.

Yes, long-term in the scale of years is not unreasonable! :)

XRP (Ripple) : I feel it is a long term bet since it has the support of banks like Standard Chartered and Merril Lynch.

SIA (siacoin) : After looking at their website I feel that they have made one of the best uses of the technology. Most other coins only market themselves as currency/safe storage/ easier transfers , wheras siacoin is marketed
for anonymous data storage. Siacoin has lesser competition in that use of cryptocurrencies. Since the value of the crytocurrency lies in the underlying technology, I believe its a good bet.

And of course, STEEM, which also has less competition in this sphere as of now.

I'll be getting in on Gnosis if the FOMO doesn't overwhelm the market. Otherwise I'll wait for first exchange dump.
What I'm currently into:

REP (Auger)
GNT (Golem)
AMP (Synereo)
GBYTE (ByteBall)

Definitely gotta get that ByteBall ICO. Every full moon, free coins.


I think Gnosis will be done by 1st day, despite the reverse auction..

Steem and BipCoin.

"BipCoin is covered by the BipCot No-Government license, which allows use and re-use by anyone except governments and government agents. There are no government guns for violators, only shame." :D

Exactly. It's a coin by people with a sense of humor along with good principles.

I'm checking out bitconnect at the moment. The notion that I am guaranteed to get my investment back plus interest has my attention.


Imo, a little wary of projects with referral fees. Seems like plenty are mentioning BCC these days. Gonna check it out over the weekend :) thanks

The MLM is off putting. But the promise of getting my investment back plus daily interest payments has my attention.

Very interested to see how how the bitconnect thing works out. I just don't get how its possible to pay 7% of your lending deposit to your 1st level referrer and 3% to your second level referrer AND GUARANTEE initial investment in $ amount PLUS interest. I don't understand how a trading bot can guarantee long term percentages like that starting from 10% down. If so I want one of these magic trading bots. Maybe I just really don't understand the project. Its made it this high in market cap so who knows.

I agree with your skepticism. I put in a $100 just to see what happens.

I followed you. Maybe keep us updated on what happens if you want. I figure even if it ends bad you can still profit right now.

Ripple (XRP) for long term, or short time spike to the Moon
Ardor, Stellar and Decred for short term trading. Hoping to get a 100% back in a month or so. No such luck yet. Any opinion on these?
STEEM and SBD obviously and I bouth a bit od Shadow recently but invested into particl, since they put into big ugly yellow warning on polo. Oh yeah, Belacoin too because of Belacam which doesn't work for some reason :/

I've yet to jump onto Ripple.
As for Ardor, Stellar, Decred.. Decred seems noteworthy. Not so the other two..

I work on a project called Maker. The goal of Maker is to create a stable crypto currency called Dai. Dai is not finished yet but the governance token of the system is. This token is called MKR.

MKR is a unique token because MKR holders get rewarded for making good decisions that keep Dai stable. However the opposite is also true. If MKR holder make bad decisions then there is a penalty.

You can read more here https://github.com/makerdao/docs/blob/master/Dai.md and I post meeting notes here on steemit every week.

Ah if I remember, @riverhead's part of the project too, yes? Thanks I'm gonna take a look at this project!

ByteBall and Gnosis, baby! I also love PIVX but that's not an ICO, just a rebranding. Is AMP out of the ICO stage? They haven't released their full platform yet, right?

AMP is available on Polo for sure so ICO is over but they haven't released their tech yet so I included them, as it's still early enough to get involved.

AMP is still a tough sell without any proper prototype..

I m interested in Zcoin - first implementation of zero protocol with masternodes

Thanks will look into it..
Masternodes. Masternodes everywhere..

Masternode, you say?

I didn't realize zcoin had masternodes, will have to look into that.

I am starting to store REP. Will also do the same with Storj and also likely with XEM.

About ICOs, I am reserving myself for FundRequest although I am begining to think that they could have problems as their token will work only as a share. But I like their proposal.

Any thoughts about Augur v Gnosis? Thanks for the mention of FundRequest - haven't heard of that, will check that out! Sometimes I wish we could take a look at a few years down the road and see if any of these coin project would mature..

I have not tested Gnosis.

For a time I didn't like Augur, and still I am not sure it will work. Then, at the same time I discovered FundRequest in icotracker.net, I saw Gnosis and researched a little bit.

It seems to me more like a betting project, more classical. The problem I found with Augur is that it is not clear what and how must do by its users. While using it, it becomes clearer, but not too much.

Some people knowing about Gnosis say that their developers and the team is better than Augur's. I don't know about that and I am unable to tell which of those projects have a better team.

Gnosis is more a blockchain while Augur is a project which works in its own blockchain, although it uses Ethereum as its main cryptocurrency..

So, as a blockchain project, Gnosis is allowing people to create other projects based on their technology. I am really looking to see more about The Hunch Game. You can see it at the Gnosis home page's slider.

So, wrapping up: greater and more interesting project if you are looking for new technologies and not fully implemented and unique ones (like it is Augur). I will probably use it, from a user point of view, but I am not going to invest in their ICO.

Excellent! For me, i just jumped in the Stellar boat and bought quite a few coins. I work in the logistics and supply chain and i believe in fair trade market for coffee farmers in developing countries. Currently, coffee farmers have no choice but to accept low prices and delayed payments for their goods. I'll be a one pissed off farmer if that was me, shame shame shame!

However, Stellar's Blockchain's and with new partnership with bext360, all parties involved in the transaction, farmers and others can access data transparently, and farmers can be paid in real-time, how cool is that?!

The other reason is pure speculation, no not really! I firmly believe in this crypto, that's my story and I'm sticking to it :)

Happy trading fellow Steemians...

Thanks for the input. I've noticed that news recently but wasn't aware that it's related to Stellar. Will check that out - I've not looked into Stellar before!

Keep Steeming my friend 😊

I am following wings.ai a new dao process and grantcoin because grantcoin will eliminate extreme poverty :)

I need to get some grantcoins :)
What's your number 1 favourite thing about wings.ai?

Wings is not launch yet, but if i understood the white paper correctly, i will be paid for my skills to analyse and predict the success of projects. It also will be an interesting experiment of collective intelligence, because every body will be able to comment and propose their ideas to projects. I bought some tokens. The ICO is closed and tokens will be exchangeable soon on http://liqui.io/

Beyond Steemit I will be working on some of the social media for Grantcoin. I'm also doing what I can to support @williambanks' VIVA project. Being a bit stretched for time on my non-crypto projects, I'm still on the fence about dedicating time to reading up on Dash and Ripple and I've got my eye on Stellar.

Thanks, reminded me about Grantcoin. Just felt a bit reluctant to sign up on another social media account! lol

I haven't seen anyone mention MaidSafe yet.
That's my main holding - I think that as long as they stay true to their vision it is the way the future will run.
Also holding Rep and BTC long term.

I used to have maid at the 20000 price.. then i sold at a discount. now it's back up almsot at the same price..

Qtum? Anyone?

@kevinwong: nice idea :)

I missed the ICO! Gonna get it when it hits the exchanges..
Seems like a solid project

I was still in my diapers - never heard about bitbars haha

Get thee to thy market cap and learn the history of top #500 crypto-coins for being so ill-informed! Ha ha! Happy Easter Wongster :)

Though on pseudo-holidays, I'll try to listen to this one. Thanks for sharing the news, namaste :)

Haha first i've heard of pseudo-holidays xD work-holiday? Np, enjoy the holiday!

Thanks a bunch @kevinwong! Namaste :)

The Grantster is hard on Bitconnect, and I'm hard on Bitbars / Market cap $70K / I mine 1 in 6 blocks! LOL! BTB to the moon baby!!

Excellent post!! thank you for sharing

Nevermind, I misread the title.

I like projects that listen to the community. Steem and PIVX are good examples. I also have a few that are not public yet.