Funnel Project is organizing a lottery contest as a way to raise fund for marketing campaign. Minimum to participate is 0.005 Eth.
Total FNL token allocated is 204,750 unit for this round.
Top 10 place is allocated 132,500 FNL tokens.
1st 20000
2nd 18500
3rd 17000
4th 15500
5th 14000
6th 12500
7th 11000
8th 9500
9th 8000
10th 6500
Lucky Entry No 50 will receive 50,000 FNL token
Entry 11 to 100 will each receive 250 FNL token.
Send your eth to 0xf414413855d61cf3b126DFc6c3e19113B37837ec and fill the following form with your Bitcointalk id eth address, amt contributed & tx hash.
You can check your entry on
Important: We will need you to quote & retweet about the lottery on twitter. You need to have twitter account with at least 100 followers to participate in this lottery.
- status to retweet is this one