RE: KuCoin - A must in every portfolio : Here's why

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KuCoin - A must in every portfolio : Here's why

in cryptocurrency •  7 years ago 

Very well written article and good that you are spreading awareness. I can't say I'm not at the very least more than a little bias about kucoin since I own a little shy of a thousand Kucoin Shares.

That being said Id like to add a few pro's and also a POTENTIALLY FUTURE con(no info released to date by kucoin staff)


  • my shares are paying out daily(had em for more then 50 days and they haven't missed single day, clockwork really imo )
  • Owning even a dozen kucoins can and will earn you coins that are virtually worth less than dirt AS WELL AS THE ONES THAT ARE ALREADY QUITE HIGHLY VALUED AND KNOWN---> your portfolio becomes diverse automatically and you never know if those 5 random coins you received as a kucoin bonus end up being worth a hundred USD in months or maybe less(I don't think I am exageratting here either or being too positive, coins going from basically nothing to a few dozen usd is definitely not uncommon)


as stated as of now kucoin bonus is 50 percent and it will remain that percentage untill AT LEAST MARCH

but information is given by kucoin itself on wether they will lower it and not unimportantly if the drop they decide to make will be steep or all the way down to the ^min 15 Percent?

FINAL THOUGHT: I have had NO PROBLEMS with kucoin, but paybe I'm lucky. At barely 7 USD a pop today I think tyhey are an absolute steal and the exchange has massive potential.

MY advice as a seasoned crypto trader(over 8 excahnges in use and experience with far more and over a year I think I'm no longer a newbie right? :d)

I would advise this as the safest and smartest thing that has a minimal risk: (and yes minimal is what I actualy believe the risk to be from spending a SMALL percentage of your assets in maybe a few dozen kucoin shares is, but who am I, always choose what you feel confident with in crypto ofc ;)

See if you have a spare litecoin or maybe even a neo, some ripples or WHATEVER lying around and use your old rusty crypto for just a few çof those SHINY KUCOIN


HYPOTHETICALLY SPEAKING if I were to want to give you a great financial tip (WHICH IM NOT DOING BECAUSE IM DEFINITELY NOT LICENSED OR QUALIFIED TO DO SUCH THINGS!!!! ) PURELY HYPOTHETICALLY I would say go in for a nice big chunk of your holdings, IN FACT SOMEONE WHO IS NOT ME(WINK ;)) Bought a lot of his kucoins at over dollar and he hasd nearly a thousand... But he isn't thinking about selling for a second... I think he's a sensible guy. In fact the guy has percent if his assets in kucoins and plans to increase that today by a few percent perhaps!

Ofcourse I'm just telling you a story and everything in it is fictional AND NOT A GREAT TIP BASED ON EXTENSIVE EXPERIENCE AS WELL AS RATHER THOROUGH RESEARCH ON THE KUCOIN FINANCIAL MODEL, THE TEAM AND HAVING SPOKEN TO A LICENSED ANALIST ON HIS THOUGHTS ABOUT THE LONGEVITY OF THEIR BUSSINESS MODEL AND GROWTH MODEL... No sirree I did NOT do all those things and I definitely have NOT recommended of my personal friends to increase their kucoin holdings sharply B3CAUSE THEY ARE NOT GONNA STAY CHEAP. No Sirreee Bob.

Aw well the above is just a story, just words really. Especially the part about the visiting the analist, he's definitely not a family member of mine by marriage who has been into ether and bitcoin since early 2014 and he MOST DEFINITELY DID NOT BUY 5000 KCS after reviewing everything I gave him and making the bedt possible guess about tplatforms growth. NOW THE THING I KNOW FOR AN ABSOLUTE CERTAINTY MOST OF ALL IS THAT HE DID NOT BUY THOSE 5 000 KCS AFTER REVIEWING ALL HE COULD FIND EVEN THO THE PRICES WHERE STEADILY DROPING ALL DAY LONG. God guys take a hint do as you all please, but 7 dollars? Come on?

Not advice BUT A CLOSING THOUGHT from a person who cares deeply about crypto and knows quite a bit(no expert by a long shot but enough to make a generous living of just crypto trading, and yes naturally my inwed cousin helps me..)

BINANCE COIN AT ITS PEAK WAS SOLD FOR A STAGGERING 25 USD APIECE IF IM NOT MISTAKEN.(could be off a dollar) Binance is a great platform and with regards to customer service and transaction speeds and just overall great user friendliness they take the cake... NO Question. But think of where BINANCE and the coin were less then 6 months ago....

But once kucoin gets properly organized, upgrade their speeds by a whole lot and make things generally just even so it's generally smooth. That is when you'll realize what Binance is dreading now and what I and my friends in crypto are also thinking...

Kucoin is young and has a lot of issues NOW, but when you look past those you just can't get around the fact that the IDEA OF THE KUCOIN SHARES is a far better one to build on and also commercialize rapidly then the platform Binance now is.

Do as you please. But don't call me out on being a ''shiller'' or on leaving out facts. Because the idea behind the KUCOIN SHARES is IN MY PERSONAL OPINION at this point miles ahead of anything we have....NOT ADVICE SO DONT GIVE ME BS LOL

Best of luck to everyone who means well for the cryptocurrency community!

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