The LA Times Journalist Who Just Bashed Bitcoin Needed Some Cryptoeducation courtesy of myself. Help finish it off...

in cryptocurrency •  7 years ago 

Let me know if you guys have any other ideas to add to his enlightenment. Keep in mind it's Twitter so let's keep it short and sweet.

LadyMaesterCrypto‏ @LdyMaestrCrypto

@hiltzikm I would like to offer a few ideas on the subject of Bitcoin after having read your article. I hope you will find some insight :-)

@hiltzikm Overall it's important to note that the financial world typically (at least more recently) regards Bitcoin as a commodity.

@hiltzikm Although by definition a currency (it has functional transaction application after all) at present state commodity seems fitting

@hiltzikm Evaluating current commodities as a whole, Bitcoin supersedes the vast majority on many levels 1)functional transactions p2p b2b

@hiltzikm 2)lowest theft rate if properly stored 3)quickly (just minutes) efficiently moves globally w/minimal cost (self purpose & others)

@hiltzikm 4) scarcity increases at a constant rate via the hashrate complexity's steep incline 5) finite market cap further propels scarcity

@hiltzikm There are around 17mil bitcoins in circulation now (market cap at 21 mil) & the last 4mil are mined w/exponential difficulty

@hiltzikm Volatile? Yes for now. All markets, currencies, commodities, securities incur periods of extreme volatility IF cycles r unimpeded

@hiltzikm Please keep in mind Bitcoin is the first globalized commodity/currency with transactional application in the history of humankind

@hiltzikm Volatility is expected w/innovative paradigms. It should be embraced w/the innocence of legal interference & purity it represents.
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