(WES Token)------The Westrend Investment Platform

in cryptocurrency •  6 years ago 



As the most hazardous development to date, the Internet has changed the world what's more, presented the Information Revolution, while beforehand, media outlets controlled the information people know. By and by, correspondence, information, and data energetically stream on the Internet obliging media associations to either change or be abandoned. One such advancement is by and by being used and is named as "the accompanying Internet". That is the blockchain started off as the development behind the computerized cash (cryptocurrency), Bitcoin. As a general rule, the record of a trade is secured inside a single server or PC which requires a middle person to go about as a medium to ensure sensible trades. Points of reference of this are banks, delegates, and administrators. This in any case, requires additional time and resources spent.

Cryptocurrency cash empowers you to simply more successfully contribute your money, just buying a particular proportion of tokens from the Westrend adventure. You can in like manner include an uncommon dashboard — this is an incredibly direct yet great advancement by Westrend developers. Thusly, every financial specialist will have the ability to reliably overview the development of their own benefits with the objective that they can get them at whatever point or re-contribute.

The blockchain development is rapidly hitting the standard and according to a World Economic Forum diagram of 800 authorities and information and correspondences advancement division masters, 57.9 percent of the respondents believe that 10 percent of the overall GDP information will be secured on blockchain development by 2025. So far, blockchain was alluded to extra as the development controlling Bitcoin. Regardless, industry players as of now comprehend that blockchain-based savvy contracts can accept a significantly greater activity in land dealings, possibly changing focus arrive assignments, for instance, property trades.

Westrend is a crowdfunding venture stage dependent on the Ethereum Blockchain Technology. A worldwide stage that is dependable, anchored and straightforward. A stage that enable cooperation and access to all financial specialists worldwide through the cryptocurrency WESTREND COIN (WES). Westrend Real Estate tasks will start in the Southern California advertise, India, Vietnam, and after that whatever is left of world with state-of-the-art land ventures with full straightforwardness.

The arrangement will utilize Ethereum savvy contracts to empower venture proprietors/administrators and financial specialists to finance land extends and disseminate benefits. Westrend stage should straightforwardly interface financial specialists and speculation openings, wiping out the requirement for mediators.


  1. Citizenship of Antigua-: Any Wes Token proprietor can consequently get the Antigua state identification.

  2. The world framework-: The stage unites not two or three nations, but rather the entire world, so you can purchase or offer land everywhere throughout the world.

  3. Secure and productive exchanges-: Wes Token uses the best security framework.

  4. Human Rights-: The stage gives a chance to direct and take an interest in speculation ventures.

  5. Tremendous possibilities-: Alongside the expanding ubiquity of the stage the expense of the token will increment to.

  6. You will have the capacity to put resources into each venture, no compelling reason to perceive yourself.

  7. Because of the psychological settlements of Ethereum, any arrangement adequate to Invest in an arrival organize guarantees lawfulness, and also, the arrival of your assets, in the event that the speculation plan will come up short.

The roadmap is clear and justifiable. Taking a gander at it you can comprehend that the venture is growing eagerly and rapidly. In only 2 years, the task will go from the possibility of ​​a gathering of positive thinkers to the full opening of the stage and its globalization. There are no remarks on the roadmap, everything is as flawless as could be expected under the circumstances.

The possibility of the task is awesome. Making a worldwide arrangement of land dissemination will bring its makers an incredible achievement and a considerable measure of cash. White Paper is impeccable. The roadmap is truly outstanding among those that I have seen. The group is great, particularly since it includes relatives of the proprietor of the organization. The absence of accomplices is extremely peculiar with such possibilities, this is a short. The dispersion of assets is uncommon. In the wake of assessing every one of the subtleties I can give just 10 out of 12. This is just for now, sit tight for new surveys!

Useful Links:
Website: https://westrend.io/
ANN Thread: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=5037231.msg46135781#msg46135781
Twitter: https://twitter.com/westrendcoin
Facebook: https://facebook.com/westrendofficial

Authored by---kome2dtop
Bitcointalk Profile: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=2439044

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