GMO Internet’s Cryptocurrency Mining Business Develops 12 nm FFC Process Technology for Semiconductor Chips: Progressing towards realizing a cutting-edge 7 nm process technology for mining chips

in cryptocurrency •  7 years ago 

Tokyo, Japan – January 22, 2018 – GMO Internet’s ( ) new cryptocurrency mining business, which has been launched through its European legal entity, is currently developing cutting-edge 7 nm*1 process technologies for chips to be used in the mining process.

As the first step of the research and development, They have succeeded in developing a new 12 nm FFC*2 process based mining chip (12 nm FFC mining chip). The following outcomes have been obtained, which are significant milestones as they show that we are closer to realizing a 7 nm process technology for chips to be used in the mining process.

  1. Prior to the development of a 7 nm process technology, validation of SHA256*3 logic circuit is complete.
  2. Succeeded in developing 12 nm semiconductor mining chip, a cutting-edge ASIC*4 mining hardware.

Cutting-edge 7 nm process technology for chips will be used in the mining process, and GMO Internet will continue to work on research and development, using the next-generation mining boards in the mining process in the first half of 2018.
Mining board equipped with 12 nm FFC process based mining chips

12 nm FFC process based mining chips

In consideration of the fact that GMO Internet has succeeded in developing a 12 nm FFC mining chip, They will proceed to the next step of the development to realize a 7 nm process technology for chips to be used in the mining process. We will not sell mining boards equipped with 12 nm FFC process based mining chips.


*Please note that they have stated that above details may be subject to change without notice.

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