VIVALID - Every Item Has s Story

in cryptocurrency •  7 years ago 


I am a big fan of diving, and lucky for me I am born at the Adriatic sea. Maybe I am a little bit biased, but is it probably one of the most beautiful seas in the world. My country, Croatia also has very rich history, and a big part of that history is connected with the Adriatic sea. While diving I often find different pieces of that history buried in the sea. Most often I find parts of amphoras which were used to store and transport vine and olive oil for hundreds of years. Few times I found even more exciting items. One dagger from the world war one and almost fully preserved plate with interesting drawing on it that could be old more than one thousand years. I also found several coins from the Roman empire. I never took all my items to some expert to assess the worth of them, but I really should do that. Maybe I am already a millionaire, just still don't know that.


I would like to tell you about one item that I found when I was just 15 years old. On the depth of maybe 12 meters, I saw a big shiny object lying almost completely covered by sand and seaweed. I tried to lift it and take it to the surface but it was too heavy, so I had to take a rope and bind it around that amazing artifact. It was a hard work taking it to surface and throw it in my little boat. I spent few hours doing that, but at the end, I had it in my hands. It was a top cover of some chest with beautiful engravings all over it and with a frame made from some material that looked like gold to me. I was so amazed by my finding that when I went to the harbor, I started showing it to everyone and bragging about it. One of the tourists then offered me 2000 German Marks for it, and I was too young to say no, so I sold it to him. To this day I regret doing this and wish that there was someone that could tell me the real value of that amazing piece of history.

Thanks to ViValid project the whole world will have a perfect solution in situations like that one and many similar ones. ViValid will use blockchain technology to make a community-driven platform that will provide a direct connection between anyone who wants to assess the worth of some object in his possession and experts that can give a competent and objective opinion about that object.


The whole system is created to be easy to use, transparent, fast and inexpensive. To find out a real value of some old, or rare object that you found, seen on someone's yard sale, inherited or maybe collected decades ago all you have to do is take a picture of it and send it to ViValid. For just a small fee paid in ViValid tokens, you will get an evaluation and potential value of your item from several objective experts. ViValid is using something called "Proof of Validation Protocol" to ensure that your validation is reliable. More details about a protocol and how it works you can find in ViValid WHITEPAPER.

On the other side of this ecosystem, the ViValid team created a transparent system for all validators to show their knowledge in assessing the worth of presented valuables and get promoted through five tiers based on their expertise. The more expertise they show, the more money they can make by validating items on the platform.
One of the plans of ViValid team is to create a fully decentralized ledger of collectibles with their objective value and all ownership changes during items history. This would become ultimate world catalog of all interesting, valuable and old object that people like to collect, invest in them, or enjoy in their beauty.


To get more information about this project and their upcoming ICO I encourage you to visit ViValid WEBSITE and connect with their team members and community on ViValid TELEGRAM. I will write about this project more in the future with special attention on the team behind the project and ViValid tokenomics.






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Yeah, our see is filled with so many great stuff just waiting to be found. Good luck and I hope you find your own personal treasure soon. 💚

Thanks Zen Art :)

I so can understand that you now would love to have that piece you sold as a kid. But 2000 was a big number then....

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

hope you will find a treasure some day...Croatia is so beautiful

Thanks sir @kriptonoob for the beautiful post. I prospect one day you will find a great treasure.

Nice post sir. Excellent blockchain. Always all time your post become amazing . thank you for sharing us. Like your post. resteem done.

ViValid is a service based on blockchain technology designed to serve as a conduit between individuals seeking information about the potential value ...Thanks @kriptonoob for such kinds of valuable update

very good post:)

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