in cryptocurrency •  6 years ago 

source: google
want to talk about the art of making money. The Greeks have a word for it called chromostisticus but we have to give the word a little leeway adapted to the current situation, because money has taken a turn .All wealth has become wealth for its own sake ,there is no other kind of enormous wealth . Money has lost its narrative quality the way painting did once upon a time. Money its talking to it self . the glow of cyber capital so loomingindex.png and seductive, I understand none of this. Does it ever stop? Does it slow down? Of course not, why should it? It’s fantastic.
Do you know how shameless I am whenever I am in the presence of anything that calls itself an idea? Idea is time living in the future. Those numbers running ,money makes time .it used to be the other way around, clock time accelerated the rise of capitalism. People stopped thinking about eternity and began thinking about to concentrate on hours, measurable hours, man hours using Labor more efficiently.

Buts its cyber capital that creates the future .what is the measurement of called of a Nano second? One billion of a second. I understand none of this but it tells me how rigorous we need to be in order to take adequate measure of the world around us. Time is a cooperate asset now belonging to the free market system. The present is harder to find, it’s been sucked out of the world to make way for the future of uncontrolled market and huge investments potentials.
The future becomes insistent unless something happens soon to correct the acceleration of time bringing nature back to normal. We have to understand the more vision with the idea, the more people we leave behind. The force of cyber capital, technology and wealth will send us all to the gutter to wretch and die.
source: google

What is the floor of human rationality? It pretends not to see the death and the horror at the scheme it builds. This is the uprising against the future. The future is always a all-seeing, all tall and happy there. This is why the future fails ,it can never be the cool and happy place we all want to make it. We know what the anarchist always say “the urges to destroy a creative edge” this is also the hall mark of the capitalist thought.
Enforced destructions: All the industries must be harshly eliminated, new markets should be forcedly acclaimed and old markets be re-established. Destroy the past and make the future.
source : youtube
This is the thing about genius, they alter the terms of its habitat…………………..

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