What is crypto currency

in cryptocurrency •  6 years ago 

What is crypto currency
source: google
A crypto currency can be called a virtual currency that uses cryptography for its security it can also be mined or created. One of the best features of a crypto currency is its organic state because it is not issued or given by a state and therefore its almost immune to any state government on earth because of this it cannot be manipulated or there can be no interference. And there are almost no counterfeit.
source:googlec Examples of crypto currencies are @steemit @bitcoin e.t.c
Virtual currencies such as @bitcoin @steemit are also considered by some experts to be a short-lived or just a speculative bubble – especially concerned that the currency units, such as @Bitcoins,@steemdollar are not rooted in any goods such as material. @Bitcoin and our beloved @steemdollar has indeed experienced some rapid increase and decline in value at times by 100% and more than that. source: google
Moreso, because cryptocurrencies such as @bitcoin and @steemdollar are virtual,online and also dont have a central bank better still repositry, a digital cryptocurrency balance can be totally erased out by a computer crash if a backup copy of the holdings does not exist. Since prices are based on supply and demand, the rate at which a cryptocurrency can be exchanged for another currency can fluctuate widely.

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