Giveth: Better Accountability from Charities

in cryptocurrency •  7 years ago  (edited)

Have you ever wondered what exactly your money given to a charitable organization is really being used for? Donars using the Ethereum blockchain will be able to send money to a specific purpose for a Charity. Suppose you feel strongly about ending Uranium nuclear energy programs in favor of safer Thorium nuclear energy but you do not believe in global warming, how can you know the money you donate to an environment protection GMO will not be used to promote the myth of man-made global warming rather than used for advancing the relatively safer Thorium based nuclear energy programs?

Apart from the transparenc of the Ethereum blockchain, with Giveth you will be able to specify that the money is for a given purpose and the money is not even released to the charity unless they accomplish a goal like say presenting a Thorium nuclear proposition to the provincial or state government. At anytime while the goal is not met, the donor can take her money back!


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Dash XjzjT4mr4f7T3E8G9jQQzozTgA2J1ehMkV
BitcoinCash 1KVqnW7wZwn2cWbrXmSxsrzqYVC5Wj836u
Bitcoin 1Q1WX5gVPKxJKoQXF6pNNZmstWLR87ityw (too expensive to use for tips)

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Hi @leprechaun thanks so much for posting about us ! Have you connected with us on Riot ?

I honestly never heard of it.