Binance is currently upgrading. Announced it just hours ago. Perhaps related to the Intel bug? GET YOUR COINS OFF EXCHANGES!!!

in cryptocurrency •  7 years ago 

Binance is currently showing the text in the image to the right: "System is upgrading......".

Kinda sucks because I had wanted to get out of TRX (Tron), which had run up over 65% since I bought it a few hours prior. (And, I hadn't connected TradingView to its API, which I would imagine still works right now...)

But anyway, I was reading this article over at ZeroHedge prior to the outage, and went back to continue reading the comments after I noticed the outage, and realized that they might be doing this to prevent an attack!

Several of the comments were of the style, "all your cryptos are belong to us" -- the bug allows any process to see the memory of any other process. When you're talking cloud computing, someone just needs to rent five minutes on an AWS (Amazon Web Services) server, and can then dig through memory and capture passwords, access keys, crypto keys, etc. from everyone whose VM is also running on that server.

Then rent another five minutes, on another server. Change the VM size to make sure you're on a different server (e.g., lots of little ones are probably on the same machine, versus a few large ones -- although that said, Amazon might shuffle them between servers using several parameters, not just CPUs and RAM). Choosing different disks might activate different servers as well; they have SSDs, fast HDDs, slow HDDs, and I think tape although I haven't used that option as of yet.

Note that I'm not "planning a break-in" with the above -- in "thinking like an attacker", one can learn where holes in one's security are. Those are some huge holes! The article mentioned that AWS servers will likely be hit hard:

  1. They'll be running 5-30% slower, if they're on Intel chips.
  2. They'll be swapped out to have the software fix installed, so that means they will need even more capacity to serve the same amount of users -- in the short term, that is; they'll likely have it fully installed after a few days.
  3. They're probably getting an increase both in accounts, and usage of existing accounts, by attackers using the above methods, as well as others. This is also temporary -- but it means even more strain on reduced capacity.

The 5-30% slowdown, though, seems to be permanent, at least until they replace those faulty chips.

Intel seems to be heading into a rash of lawsuits, as well -- they advertised the chips as secure. They're pointing the finger at AMD (and Linus's response on lkml was interesting, in relation) -- but AMD doesn't have the "NSA back door" bug. If it's true that Intel has been intentionally compromised (as Jim Stone had shared years ago), then this might be part of "the storm is upon us."

We got the snowblowers ready this evening. We're prepared for what happens tomorrow, weather-wise. I wonder if those 9k+ sealed indictments are being unsealed tonight?


Once Binance is back, I'm moving everything off.

Side thought

I wonder, would the "account recovery" service "anonsteem" give up details of account creation if law enforcement asked? Who owns that?

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