Dilemma: Investing in Rental Property VS More (Cheap) Crypto

in cryptocurrency •  6 years ago 

In this final of my videos in Australia, I'll be discussing a personal dilemma that I'm dealing with - whether to reinvest the crypto profits that I have from the highs of 2017 into rental property VS buying crypto at a 70-90% discount.

DISCLAIMER: This is NOT financial advice. I am just offering my opinions. I am not responsible for any investment decisions that you choose to make.

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The right order in my opinion is simple i mean buy now a lot of cheap projects and after gain some good % go to property i mean i know some people here in my country that they do that the past year and now they have some houses to rent wow that's a smart way of think. Regards

Well the best option will be to go for the property. You should stay out of London as a property investor.

I think bargains can be found anywhere @zohaib336 just need to due your due diligence correctly London is a very aggressive market place sure but rental return income is very high and you will still have a stable asset I don't really see the market going down the £ is pretty weak now too at worst I think it might hit parity with euro but even that's doubtful inflation will keep rising with the rich getting richer i.e. property owners.

Would advise taking a mortgage over using all working capital as there will be lots of legal fees etc.

I personally would buy the property with some sideline cash left (as you mentioned 70/30% if that works for you). I guess in your case it would be an apartment. This is definitely much safer investment oppose to today’s very risky investment in crypto. Just hypothetically. Imagine if you bought crypto for all your sideline cash and in the next few months it drops by another 50%, which I wouldn’t be surprised at all. You would have sleepless nights and you would possibly panic sell (because most people do, doesn’t mean you would). Now imagine, if you bought an apartment and in a few months crypto jumps by 3,4...folds or more, you would still be able to rent your apartment and still be invested in crypto.

I personally would buy the property with some sideline cash left (as you mentioned 70/30% if that works for you). I guess in your case it would be an apartment. This is definitely much safer investment oppose to today’s very risky investment in crypto. Just hypothetically. Imagine if you bought crypto for all your sideline cash and in the next few months it drops by another 50%, which I wouldn’t be surprised at all. You would have sleepless nights and you would possibly panic sell (because most people do, doesn’t mean you would). Now imagine, if you bought an apartment and in a few months crypto jumps by 3,4...folds or more, you would still be able to rent your apartment and still be invested in crypto.

Buy a property is a must, than some crypto when bitcoin gets to $5000 and also keep some cash.

Well the best option will be to go for the property (unless you can withstand the uncertainty) and use any spare to purchase at a discount. I believe firmly in crypto, but the uncertainty can be unnerving

I think diversification is a good option as putting the eggs into one basket is more risky. Consider investing in Real Estate and taking a portion of the income to dollar cost average into crypto assets. That way you can have both and not having to depend on catching the bottom of the market.

I've been moving around too much. I am working an computer programming internship right now and can't see myself buying property anytime soon (even though I want to).

It's convenient for me to buy crypto in these volatile times.

You should stay out of London as a property investor. I read in a paper in London a year ago that middle-class professionals are moving out of London because they can't afford to start families there.

Do both. Also depends on whether you're going to need that money and if so, how soon.

they are both good investments long term and real estate investing has a lot of tax advantages in the US

Am with the majority of opinions on this one. Go with the sideline cash option and invest first in the property before you look for some cheap cryptos. I believe it will pay off more with less heartache

I would do both if the profits are there. Like others have said diversification is key.

I am also juggling the challenge of property vs crypto. No doubt Crypto is far more enticing due to the potential returns but I am leaning towards property simply because I think I need some more stability. I still have enough exposure to crypto.

This is a tricky one. I'm also exploring Property, HMOs etc.

The answer depends... on your personal goals, risk tolerance, current exposure to (and confidence in) the crypto market.

Would be great to catch-up with you in person when you're back in the UK.

Ideally, you could invest in both, but if you had to choose one I would say real estate for the sake of diversity, if that's your goal. They're both good options, and I'd say we're in similar positions. I totally agree with everything you say about being indicisive about how to invest your money. I'd say you have to really look at what your long term goals are. Personally, if I were in your position, living in the U.K. where the real estate market is good, I would diversify into rental property. It won't give you the same gains as crypto for sure over the long term but that's not why you choose real estate. It's more to have something palpable that will accrue value over time, and allow for another income stream.