[dtube] Bitcoin Will Replace Gold Within Decades

in cryptocurrency •  7 years ago  (edited)

Today's video was inspired by a question from Sobuka, who asked "Louis when you are cashing out your cryptocurrencies would you consider putting at least 10% of that profit into precious metals as a cautionary safety play as opposed to fiat?"

DISCLAIMER: This is NOT financial advice. I am just offering my opinions. I am not responsible for any investment decisions that you choose to make.

***I am in the process of adding many of my videos from YouTube on to DTube. Apologies for any posts that you've already seen before!

Original date of upload: December 23rd, 2017

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It's unlikely. Bitcoin has been here for less than a decade, and gold has been used for millennia.

I think it's possible that BTC might become an alternative to Gold, but never a full replacement.

Horses were used for millenia before cars too! But I totally understand why people are still sceptical. Maybe you're right though, perhaps it'll just make an excellent alternative.

great way to put it @louisthomas

Horses are still around.

These are my thoughts too, I am open to the possibility considering the rise of Crypto, but I think physical assets will be important, but I could totally see it being the internet alternative/equivalent of gold, especially when VR takes off for real.

i hope thattttt


Feel ya :D I was a YouTuber for 2 and a half years but DTube heh it is a whole new game!
I posted this pic on r/teenagers and they thought that I am promoting a "scam site"
Well some people will be late to the gold rush but fuck´em :D

If it does well people who invested at bitcoin few years ago are lucky sons of bitchez :D I am so glad to your videos on a daily basics here on DTube Louis!

Thanks for thiscryptocurrency news update providing.....i appreciate this dtube channel......i wait your next post dear friend. best of luck

Any Whales in the comments? If so can you guys donate some BTC
I'm practically begging.. Not trying to piss anybody off by asking and I'm not panhandling! I'm using wifi to make this comment also on the verge of being put out! Anything would help please my Telegram is (JuliusE94)


Thank you, God Bless you all.

We can say that @louisthomas but its unlikely to happen when government still kicks against it. I think for it to replace gold, bitcoin has to be generally accepted.

I invest in crytos and gold, but for very different reasons. I'm holding gold, because I'm expecting an economic downturn soon. During that downturn, crytos are probably gonna fall with stock markets. Crytos have only been around during the expansion of one credit cycle. Prices have risen so high because of hot money in the economy. When that hot money disappears, people will start cashing out of crytos. And one more thing, gold isn't a good investment. It doesn't pay any dividends. I wouldn't want to hold gold for a long period of time. Stocks will outperform everything over time. Anyway, thanks for the video, Louis.

Gold will be a currency when everyone has forgotten about bitcoin.

I personally do not think gold will vanish , it has been round through the ages, I think eventually it will all go back to old skool

In what scenario would it go back to old school other than in an international catastrophe or a world war?

its happening all the time, we can not rely on cyber space , we are constantly burying our heads in the sand

That would only make sense to look at Bitcoin as an asset rather currency for obvious reasons such as slow and expensive transaction and it being pseudo-anonymous which is quite good for it if it would turn into an asset.

I already stockpile my cryptcurrency.I hope i can secure my future in 5 years.Good post keep up the good work.

I see bitcoin being more complementary to gold than competition, I can actually use bitcoin as a currency where as with gold you can only really buy and hold it, feels more like doomsday insurance than anything else.

Gold will always be important!

Nice to see so many people starting to make the transition. Hopefully the dtube servers can keep up

yeah, i'm totally agree with you.
By seeing speed grow of bitcoin and now as many companies are accepting bitcoin payment method,
That day is not so far when bitcoin will be the real worthy currency in the whole world.

if not a digital gold, then a digital collectable item, always remember that. Bitcoin has historic value also.


Yes man bitcoin is more of a golds competition than fiat currency due to high transaction fees and time.

Found this video which talks about this as well but your thoughts about other coins replacing bitcion and also bitcoin being in a bubble?

Bitcoin won't replace gold but it will be a better investment for quite some time... maybe forever, really. It's funny because bitcoin was originally made to be used for transactions and replace $USD but it has performed so well that it's competing against gold and taking also gathering more attention. I believe bitcoin and gold can coexist but bitcoin is much more appealing to the youngest generation as an investment + the benefits of no middle man... bitcoin wins regardless.

I lost every penny... don't be like me. Read below:



Gold will never be entirely replaced - since you can't make jewelry out of bitcoin ;)

BTC will replace gold!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!?????????????????????????????????

They'll rather replace money than value stores right?
On the other hand Bitcoin is limited just like gold so who knows...

Most of golds value is determined merely by human decision that it’s worth that much, it costs around 130 dollars per ounce to mine so why 2000 per ounce ? Supply and demand.. bitcoin is a toddler, soon to be a teenager, that cannot be stopped and will bring the banks down, or along with us :)

Gold > BTC

Gold sucks as an investment, but it is the ultimate reserve. Governments all around the world don't use their own fiat currency as a reserve; they use gold! Why? Because there will always be someone willing to take an ounce of gold as payment. The point is to hold a small amount of gold bullion in case everything else tanks and 5% gives you a nice reserve to restart with. This is better than being cut off from both fiat and crypto currency at the same time. No power= no crypto, no bank, no credit card= no food. They don't need to take down the entire inter net, just your local power stations. Greetings!

I think BTC will more likely be added to the 'store of value' items along with Gold, it won't replace gold.

Also, within the crypto world it's very easy for all of us to see that BTC has the properties of gold, it's scarce, it holds value the best in a declining crypto market etc.
But for the general public to accept BTC as gold is a much tougher sell.
It has no physical properties, it has no real world 'uses'.
For the average non-crypto person to accept that some bit of computer code has been programmed to create digital scarcity and that the resulting product is highly valuable is a very difficult bundle of concepts to wrap their head around. The elevation of bitcoin to the status of gold i think will take a generation for people to accept.

It is hard to compare both of them. They are just different assets that have value for different types of people. Gold is valued by the government and bitcoin is valued by a specific type of investor. I think it is unlikely for Bitcoin to replace gold because governments will never be willing to invest in something in which they aren't the largest investors. Until they own most of the bitcoins in the world, then yeah I believe it will be able to replace gold.

It will be a while but I can definitely see it, I mean who in our generation wants a gold bar laying around? Seems to be more of a liability then anything else to get robbed.

hackers can't steal a gold bar

If someone is at your house for a gold bar, your life not just your little gold bar is at stake.

Well first of all I am not going to tell anyone and secondly if they come to my house for my gold bar their life is at risk, unlike a hacker who has no risk.

Gold and physical assets can always be seized by governments, as they have been in the past. Just look at the U.S. and Executive Order 6102 signed on April 5, 1933, by President Franklin D. Roosevelt forbidding the hoarding of gold coins, bullion, and certificates. Cryptos can't be seized if stored properly. However they have another set of problems with power supply and the internet; but those aren't as likely to be used against the populace since almost everything needs energy to function and shutting down the entire internet is highly unlikely.

Just look at how much gold people didn't give to the government at that time, because they physically possessed it, it would be a lot easier for them to take your crypto without you even knowing it.

  ·  7 years ago Reveal Comment

Gold ia cyberspace gold, hehhehe

Well, gold has been used. for decades. I do not think it will be replaced because it has a power of evaluation and common interests that are very important all over the world.

SEE my posts on silver/gold...Never happen..HOWEVER Bitcoin goin much higher...UNDERSTAND>>it is the dollar that is going to be worthless...NEVER GOLD.

We can all agree both are better than the US dollar. Keep up the great work Louis!

Unless gold becomes incredibly important in supporting cyborgizination of humans or in bitcoin mining itself, this metal does not interest me.

I often hear bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies compared to gold and other precious metals. There are some clear similarities between the two asset classes, limited supply, storage of wealth, etc. In gold's case, its industrial uses in electronics don't justify its price, so it seems many people come to conclusion that its value largely comes from its capabilities in storing value due to its capped supply, just like bitcoin. However, I think a huge factor that gives gold value, that people seem to brush off, is its visual display of wealth. People do buy gold to store their wealth, but many people also buy gold to make into jewelry and other forms to "show off" their wealth. I believe that this may be a core reason of why gold is valuable, and its capabilities to be a store of wealth are a RESULT of this. You have two types of consumers competing for gold's limited supply: people who want gold to show others that they can afford it and then those who buy gold as a store of value. I think this is something that bitcoin has going against it; you can't have a bitcoin-plated necklace or a mansion made out of bitcoin bricks. What bitcoin DOES have is incredible liquidity as a transfer of value (well... except for its fees), it is very censorship resistant, decentralization, etc. As a advocate for cryptocurrency, I DO think that these traits give it value, but I am concerned in the long run whether this "visual display of wealth" factor that precious metals have are actually a very large portion of what maintains their value.

I'd love to hear your thoughts on this Louis, I really enjoy hearing your perspective on things and I'm a huge fan of your videos.

It is far from established in most peoples’ minds that Bitcoin is a “store of value”.
One other problem. Even if crypto is what you think it is and will be what you think it will be, are you sure you know which of the 1000+ coins will be winners or even still around? When you discuss BTC you often refer to its many frailties... but always end up saying that it is a great store of value. I know you believe this but the statement means little until about a billion people agree with you That may happen. It may not.

Please read this: ttps://steemit.com/cryptocurrency/@gcolak/is-robinhood-really-going-to-beat-coinbase

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I hope it

I hope i to

Nice work @louisthomas, i upvoted. Precious metals is a good way to keep savings. If you are interested in this topic, I have a similar article about investments in cryptocurrency - https://steemit.com/cryptocurrency/@adeptus/attractive-cryptocurrency-to-invest

Any idea about the indicoin... When is it goin to hit the indian market

I don't actually think it will. It is slow, but that is something we can adapt to and they may fix, but ultimately that is the least of its problems.

It's biggest problem is the miner fees for moving currency around. It doesn't matter how fast it is, if those fees remain ridiculous like they are then it won't remain at the top.

Right now it is only good to treat it like Gold and let it just sit there. It is stupid to use it as a currency because of those fees.