MyEtherWallet are SJWs!?

in cryptocurrency •  7 years ago 

The guys (and girls?) over at My Ether Wallet have been caught up in a little bit of controversy recently over a Tweet they posted. Many people thought that it made them look like social justice warriors.

Let's discuss it!

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Well, the whole tech/gaming industry is dominated by men, so....

Maybe MyEtherWallet can make a "girl-friendly" version of their wallet. They should add some heart/kiss emojis to the UI or something.

Hey. Don't assume genders ;)

We all will benefit as adoption of crypto increases. So (while it's obviously absurd to think that women are being excluded as sexism), a focus on helping women begin to use crypto is essential to the future of the technologies. The longer 50% of the market ignores crypto, the longer we will wait for the mass adoption tipping point.

Statistics are shocking when you have a bias.

If SJW's infect the crypto space I will kill myself.............. or them, not sure yet.

No such thing as politically neutral technology.

I'm triggered by the fact that their bar graph only reports data for two genders, as if gender is binary. I will not use MEW until they take on a more progressive attitude and recognize their obvious biases.


i leaving them now. A good excuse for me to finally use a cold wallet