My idea for a citywide crypto-currency

in cryptocurrency •  8 years ago 

Here is my idea for citywide crypto-currency.

I envision the following crypto-currency running on its own mesh network and not on a general fits all type mesh network that is connected to the internet. Instead the citywide crypto-currency should run on a citywide mesh network that is isolated from the internet, or in other words, it should run on a citywide intranet.

This citywide crypto-currency will be similar to Bitcoin and we can call it City Coin ( the name of the coin changes depending on which city establishes the mesh network and is running the currency protocol )

Examples of names for this coin could be:

  • NYCCoin
  • PhiliCoin
  • NewarkCoin
  • JerseyCoin
  • LACoin
  • SanFranCoin
  • etc.

The main benefit of City Coin - is that it will be the first off the grid crypto-currency, because it will only run on a local city wide mesh network which should never be connected to the world wide web and should only be used for the purpose of cryto-currency transactions and possibly with an added feature like a messaging application which includes text and video conferencing or maybe some other feature that gives the network it's initial appeal until enough users adapt the crypto-currency.

Why implement a City Coin Protocol and Mesh Network? - The purpose for developing an isolated mesh network across a city is to avoid being shut down by a natural disaster and to avoid attacks from governments, banksters, international hackers, viruses, etc. This type of coin will be even more indestructible than bitcoin, since bitcoin does have a vulnerability at the local level and that is the possibility of having major internet nodes shut down by government or powerful corporate interest or a natural or man made disaster. Some disasters that come to mind are; a powerful solar flare, an Electromagnetic Pulse (EMP) Attack, a Hurricane, and other possibilities.

Instead of connecting to the world wide web, the mesh network should be isolated within each individual city that establishes this type of city wide mesh network.

Each individual participant will have an access point device within the mesh network and will be asked to have the following items at hand; but of course the items are optional, except for miners and node providers who will be required to provide the following items:

Optional items for mesh network users ( but required for Miners and Node Operators ):

  • Regular users should have a back up access point device ( access point devices must be kept within a faraday cage or can be placed within a grounded metal safe )
  • Node Transmitter/Reciever Providers must have a Back up node ( kept within a faraday cage )
  • All users and service providers within the Mesh Network, must have back up batteries or if the participant is a node provider or miner, they must have a back up generator or possibly obtain the capability of generating their own electricity with solar panels, wind, or other source for the sole purpose of operating the equipment provided by the individual service provider, but not limited to just the mesh network equipment ( the regular users, can simply use a battery powered access point with a plug-in option and should always have extra batteries at hand in case of a power grid failure. ).
  • Miners will do all their mining from within the local city where the mesh network is running since the mesh network should never be connected to the world wide web and therefore, the miner can not be from some remote location.
    ( to guarantee that users, miners, and node operators, never connect their access points to the internet, it might be possible to require the users to use a proprietary access point device which does not have any type of input, such as an Ethernet input, usb input, coaxial cable input and possibly software that will not allow a connection to the internet even if the user somehow attempts to modified the device and connection to the internet. )

Some of the Requirements to make this idea work (but not necessarily all of the possible requirements):

  • Build a city coin proprietary protocol or it might be possible to simply implement an existing open source coin application.

  • The crypto-currency will only depend on local miners and node operators within the same city as the mesh network.

  • City coin is to be built for continuous use within the city, even during a city wide power outage, because every user will have a mesh network access point which also runs on batteries and every miner and node operator will either have back up batteries or control their own source of electricity.

  • the mobile and stationary access points, will be able to run with both a plug in power cord or from traditional batteries, such as, AA, AAA or possibly 9 V batteries or possibly solar panels.

  • miners can use electricity from the power grid and will always maintain backup batteries or solar panels for emergencies with the ultimate goal of eventually going off grid, at lease with regards to the mining equipment.

  • This way, city coin will be the first off the grid crypto-currency and there will be no way for a government, individuals, or a natural disaster to interrupt city coin, it will be as good as cash, only better, since cash can be destroyed, while coin cash can not be destroyed and is easier and more secured to transport.

  • individual city coin users will be encouraged to store their back up access point devices, batteries, and hardware wallet within a faraday cage or better yet, a grounded metal safe, to protect their access point device and hardware wallet from a massive solar flare or electromagnetic pulse attack (emp) or in the case of an ordinary power outage, they will at least know where their back ups are located and the mesh network will always be up and running, no matter what.

Since city coin will simply be a currency, just like any other currency, one will be able to convert their money into city coin and convert their city coin into another currency, like Bitcoin, U.S. Dollar, etc.

Let me know what you think.

Thank you,
Sergio Rodriguez
This idea originally came to me on October 8th, 2016, at 9:31 PM EST

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