EasyJet and the cryptocurrencies and ICOs fly / EasyJet fa volare criptovalute e ICO

in cryptocurrency •  6 years ago 

I'm passionate about cryptos so it's easy to be in the "blockchain bubble" and see them everywhere. But this time I didn't look for them, they found me.

Essendo appassionato di criptovalute è facile essere nella "bolla blockchain" e vederle ovunque. Tuttavia questa volta non sono stato io a cercarle, ma sono venute loro da me.

Schermata da 2018-06-05 23-06-20.png

During an EasyJet flight I read EasyJet Traveller ' - June 2018, that kind of free press full of ads about fashion, travels, luxury and what did I found? It was full of Fintech and related stuff! It seems the crypto ban from Facebook and other social didn't worked because the ICO marketing budget moved towards other channels.

Schermata da 2018-06-05 23-06-57.png

In un volo EasyJet mi sono messo a sfogliare EasyJet Traveller ' - June 2018, quelle riviste gratuite piene di pubblicità fashion, viaggi e lusso e cosa ho trovato? È piena zeppa di pubblicità Fintech e servizi collegati a exchange e investimenti in criptovalute! Evidentemente il ban social da Facebook, Google AdWords,.. delle ICO e criptovalute ha fatto sì che i soldi dedicati a marketing e pubblicità si dirottassero su altri canali.

It's very weird to see the brands of EOS, Monero, Bitcoin outside the commons places: Computer geeks and traders.. I wrote down the list and here are fintech services who promoted on Easyjet:

Fa anche un certo effetto vedere le icone di EOS, Monero, Bitcoin,.. in contesti molto lontani da quelli abituali: ovvero Computer Geeks e Traders,.. Mi sono segnato la lista e questi sono i committenti:

  • Glintpaygold : Credit card which use gold as neutral currency
  • ft.digital : Suisse Blockchain consulting
  • decent.ch: Content distribution blockchain
  • sophiatx.com : ICO Blockchain
  • coppay.io : cryptocurrency payment gateway system
  • localcoinswap.com : ICO deceentralized exchange
  • coinvesting : Blockchain investments

Not a financial advice, do your own research invest at your risk


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Bene! Notizia molto positiva :-D

Già, é ancora molto legato alla speculazione, ma il fatto che molti passeggeri easyjet a digiuno di crypto ne vengano a conoscenza é comunque un fatto positivo


That is crazy. I had a friend who was flying over Christmas break and there was a DASH commercial on the little TV screen in the back of the head rests.

I was blown away when he told me that.

This is off subject but I'm sort of confused by what is going on with EOS right now. I know they are mainly verifying that the balances are showing up for what people registered with their ERC-20 EOS tokens but is it possible to connect to the EOS blockchain at this point with something like eosjs? It seems like other websites like https://eoswalletpro.com/ are pulling block data from the recent blocks.

I'm mainly concerned about creating usernames but I assume until we have some liquid eos in there we wouldn't be able to do it?

What are your thoughts?

Dash music video? It was very weird.. and maybe targeted only to teenagers. EasyJet is the first or second flight company in Eu.
Eos mainnet, i don't know if it's already launched, @jungletestnet on Telegram probably is the best place to ask and follow the updates