BTC Holder: Have You Claimed Your Stellar Lumens Yet? August 27th Deadline Approaches

in cryptocurrency •  8 years ago 

I helped someone claim their Stellar Lumens tonight and wondered if my Steemit followers have claimed theirs as well. If you owned Bitcoin or Ripple as of a specific date (and still have access to those private keys so you can sign a message), then you can claim some Stellar Lumens (XLM) based on their distribution described in detail here:

If you're thinking about doing this, you need to hurry because the deadline is August 27th.

Also, much like Steemit did early on, they authenticate with Facebook as part of the process, so that might put some people off.

If you already did this, you can check your balance at the stellar laboratory.

If you're looking for a local wallet to keep your Stellar, I installed the wallet from Github and it seems to work great.

I now have a nice little chunk of XLM, and I think I'll hold on to it a bit and see what happens after August 27th. Is it possible the distribution up this point has kept the price low? Could the price rise as the supply/demand curve changes? I'm interested in finding out. Here's the price info right now:

If you have your bitcoin on a paper wallet, this post can help: Step By Step: Getting Your Bitcoin Cash out of a Bitcoin Paper Wallet. It's the same basic process here in that you import your private key into Electrum and then you can sign the message they ask you to sign in order to claim your XLM.

If you're already going through this process, you may want to look into Byteball as well. The next distirbution is in 11 days on September 6th:

I hope you found this useful! Let me know if you've claimed your Stellar and what you plan to do it with, if you're going to hold or sell.

Oh, also, while we're talking various cryptocurrencies, if you're looking for a way to manage your holdings you may find my Cryptocurrency Bank Spreadsheet from 5 months ago useful.

Luke Stokes is a father, husband, business owner, programmer, and voluntaryist who wants to help create a world we all want to live in. Visit

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Thank you! Didn't know that Stellar share dropped on Bitcoin. Really useful and timely reminder!

Thanks for Good info. I don`t know ripple is also related with this..

Great reminder! Got mine and dumped them for Bitcoin. Always enjoy free $$

Thank you @lukestokes for reminding people. I cannot claim some but I am sure you"saved" money to a lot of your followers.
Following you now !

Nice! How can we complain about free money. :)

Thanks for the heads up. I had not heard of Stellar Lumens until this morning. Now I have a few thousand of them. I also like free money :)

Glad to hear it Sean. :)

Again a plethora of information you are! Thanks for sharing, but seriously, I need to sit down for like a day or two and just study like all your posts. I must admit you are the one that kept me in the steemit game, when I reached out to you being all pissy about creating content for peanuts. Well things have changed for me basically the moment I reached out to, and in return I'm now have been motivated to up my steemit game. I just published what I consider my best post ever and it's already getting noticed. I would love for you to check it out if you have time, let me know if you think I'm on the right track. Much appreciated and thank you for you continued support!


Congrats on your success! I love hearing I played a small part in you sticking around and finding enjoyment here. :)

Thank you Luke, you were the one that made a huge difference. If you blew me off when I reached out to you. I'm 90% sure I would have walked. Seriously, look at my blog up-votes and earnings before I met you and after. The difference is incredible. I owe you a debt of gratitude. Thank you!

The next phase is to move beyond earnings. That's when you'll truly find great value here. :)

I think we all go through the same process. First the money draws us in, then we get frustrated because others seem to be doing well but we aren't, then we start to make some progress, then we slow, eventually, realize it wasn't about the money after all.

During my journey, at one point I hid the $$$ for 24 hours. I think it was one of the best experiments I've done here.

You hit the nail on the head with what you just explained, which is exactly my experience. An added frustration for me is I've been used to a certain life style, to give you and Idea, check out my latest travel tip where I talk about riding a bike for a year and a half 2000 kilometers through five countries in south east asia, Then again all through the Ecuadorian Andes and coastline.

I maybe went online 20 minutes a day or every other day. To see my days go by while I sit infront of the computer has been very love hate. I'm a passionate person and I always want to succeed at whatever I do. This steemit has been a bigger challenge to me than maybe others, as it's taken me away from the lifestyle that I enjoy and love so much. I'm learning how things work here and I'm going to set up rules for myself. Like one hour in the morning with breakfast, and I do what I do, and maybe another hour in the evening afterwards.

But I must admit I get sucked in and I've spent up to 10 hours on here, then I get all upset with myself. @fitinfun says she spends on average 16 hours a day online! that is like my worst nightmare.

I enjoy the relationship I've built here, it more valuable than the money in many regards. I really value meeting people in real life that I have met on steemit. I'm a real life kind of guy and to expereince the cross over and meet people like @luczypher, @fitinfun, @milthrilweed, @donnaincancun in the real has been very special. Maybe I'll be in your neck of the woods some day for a Steemit meet up!

Interesting how you hid the earings I totally get that. I now check my steemit earnings like I check the stock market! It's addicting, and fascinating in many regards. Thanks again for your friendship and continued support. It means a lot.


The conflict you feel, perhaps, is conflict with yourself. You can say it's taking you away from the lifestyle you love, but the reality is you are choosing connection, relationship, and interaction. You are choosing by your actions to be here. Steemit bridges the gap between digital and physical and causes us to see ourselves and others in a different light.

I think it's amazing and fantastic.

If we have to set limits for ourselves it may be because we are trying to escape something about ourselves, and we know that isn't right or healthy. Balance brings peace.

Keep in touch and don't get lost in the crowd. :)

Exactly Luke. You read me like a book. It's totally an internal conflict.....Steemit is great and the more I understand it and build relationships on here the more I like it.

I have always had a hard time balancing my life. Hence the travel travel travel, work, work, work, and play, play, play.....very little balance. But I love to travel,I find it a healthy habit for me. For me to balance that with steemit now, is a challenge I am working on.

But I agree with you totally steemit is "amazing and fantastic". I wouldn't say that I'm trying to escape anything, I just have an addictive throws me off, as I find myself getting addicted to steemit and the hours fly by. I love to be on steemit, and enjoy it very much.

The times I've gotten frustrated are the times I've steemed it too much! Then I'm like uggh where did all that time go, then I'm like well, at least I'm getting paid to be on here...then I see it's like 50 cents... (not anymore)....I'm like what am doing?

But I'm getting way way better at managing my time on here. And if I'm on here all day now....well I'm going to own that decision and be on here all day because that's what I want to do.

Balance brings peace, like you said. I'm very happy to have met you on here and I'll always keep in touch with you! Thanks for your friendship and more! -Dan

I just have an addictive personality

I'm curious about this. I've watched some interesting lectures about addiction, and I think we all have a lot to learn about it. Some think it's chemical based, but it does seem to be related to wanting to escape one reality and over-indulge in another. I also wonder if we'll ever understand the brain enough to really pinpoint how different brains may respond differently to pleasure and stimulation. All super interesting stuff.

I'm enjoying connecting wth you as well, Dan. I plan to travel much more in the future, hopefully with my family as well. Part of me, I realize, is scared of the unknown, scared of instability and uncertainty of travel... but I'm looking forward to it just the same. I enjoy your posts as part of that process.

Ive tried a couple times it just says cant find this bitcoin address. I wish I could get stellar with all my bitcoins! Im assuming that because I moved my coins from bread to electrum after june 26 it doesnt work? I give up :(

If you moved them, you need to use the original address where the bitcoins were before June 26th. Do you still have the Electrum wallet? The address there is the one you want to use. You may have to view all addresses within Electrum to find the right one that had BTC at the time of the snapshot.

Thanks for your help! I found my old wallet that I sent my bitcoin from last and was able to sign those addresses to claim my lumens. I'm surprised it worked seeing that those old addresses don't contain btc.

Cool! Yeah, it's based on a snapshot. If they contained BTC at the time of the snapshot, you're good to go.

i'm guessing this will be the same problem for me. I had bitcoins on a blockchain wallet, but moved them since.

You just need to use the address where your bitcoin were stored prior to moving them. If you still have access to the blockchain wallet, you should be able to get access to the public and private keys where they were stored.

A lot of people stayed away from Stellar because of the Facebook verification thingy, but I don't see it as a serious issue because they're just using the verification to make sure you're not from any jurisdiction that has problematic legislation.

At least that's the impression I got from reading their FAQ.

Yeah, that seems to be the case as well. And... even if they did use that information against us, how would we? More on that here: Privacy, Identity, and Human Flourishing.

well, i wasn't in crypto yet in june so thats not an option but the byteball is taking place on sept 6th so if on the 5th i put all i have in bitcoin and then sell back on the 7th that is ok? (and hope bitcoin doesn't plummet in those 2 days)
and we get free coins for that... cool

For the Byteball drop, you do need to have bitcoin in an address you control and register using their transition chat bot within their client. But yes, in theory, you can buy bitcoin, get your Byteball and then sell your BTC after that.

  ·  8 years ago (edited)

@lukestokes - Heard of Lumens for the first time through your post. Excited, I checked out the giveaway and found that they had taken a BTC snapshot on 27June2017. Sighhhhh. Had hardly any BTC then. I am so new to Crypto and Steemit. Still, thought I had something on that date in Bittrex so rushed over to Bittrex and after some research, found that Bittrex had already received Lumens for their entire BTC holding and had distributed to customers. Missed that boat too by a few days. Well - that is life in general. Murphy was a very wise man "who said the doorbell will always ring when you are in the shower" - I do get caught in the shower like this and miss some opportunities when they knock. Whoa - mixing my metaphors big time here! LOL.

Anyways - I am sure you saved some Lumens for some Steemians. Kudos. Upvoted.


Appreciate the info!

thanks for the reminder..!

thnak you information on steemit
If you vote me, you will not be able to leave anybody with you, you will vote as you go ahead but we will give support to each other

There are some amazing deals out there with some of the coins on the maret that most people don't know about. Good on you for sharing and making people more aware of one of the lesser known freebies

Sadly, i have my ripple on my exchanger. I am not sure i will get xlm from my ripples.


If you don't own the private key, you don't own the cryptocurrency.

Keeping your funds on a centralized system is old, pre-bitcoin thinking. :)

I have bitcoin on my electrum wallet, I was able to get my btc address for receiving before the June26 you mentioned, but the problem is i try to sign/verify, i input the message i want and the answer, then i sign. It brings some alphanumeric characters. However, when i copy this and input on the lumen page, it say signature invalid, please try again. Can you guide me on what to do?

Did you put in the correct public address when you signed the message?

I used the electrum bitcoin wallet address that was used iń receiving the btc then.

Welp, everything is on the blockchain so you should be able to trace things around via to see what's up.

thank you. i found the mistake i was making. A youtube video showed me the mistake. Now i have claimed my stellar lumen and installed the desktop wallet as you suggested in your post.

Sure, if you deal with big amounts.
But that is also a convenient way for new incomers who are not investing a lot yet.

If you don't own the private key, you don't own the cryptocurrency.


  ·  8 years ago (edited)

Great info! I wish I knew about it some days ago. I'm traveling now and cannot claim my stellar. Which also makes me look over my travelling routines, hehe

Great way to earn money thanks for the recommendations

I didn't realise how they are giving away stellar lumes at the moment.
I'll be sure to claim some before the deadline . I'm glad I caught this post just in time.
Thank you for letting us know @lukestokes. I'll also now have the byteball distribution on my radar


Yeah I saw that a month ago, but thought an ID was needed at the time. Thanks for the info. I am still not comfortable with giving my FB.. Just to gain a few XLM.

I'm confident that I don't have any floating around out there but I did enjoy the read and I also learned something from it, thanks!

I also have a chunk of these. I still don't know exactly what to do with them. Probably keep and see :)

I'm curious what will happen once they stop distributing them.

As many, I guess.

What? Are we getting Stellar Lumens for our Bitcoins now? Why? What? :D

This has been mentioned a number of times in various places, but I guess all things need to be repeated. If you own BTC or Ripple as of a specific date, you can get some Stellar. But you have to hurry as the offer ends soon.

Thanks for the post @lukestokes. I've learnt something new.👍

Its always great to get the freebie asap before it ends. Good that Lumens still give out freebie for BTC holders. Thanks for sharing

  ·  8 years ago Reveal Comment

Stop spamming people.

  ·  8 years ago Reveal Comment

Stop spamming people.

  ·  8 years ago Reveal Comment

We all hate spam. Don't make us hate you.