The crypto-market craze is only beginning

in cryptocurrency •  7 years ago 

We've seen the constant fluctuation of cryptocurrency value per unit swing crazily over the last few months, with Bitcoin being the largest of the swingers in dollar value, recently dropping hundreds of dollars in a single day.

Of course there are many factors for these swings. One major factor I believe is the mass awakening of humanity around the world realizing their enslavement to central banking and initiating an opt-out into cryptocurrencies. This in turn creates the sheer supply-and-demand issues we see with cryptocurrencies pracitcally daily, followed by the market correction which sets their prices back lower, creating the "swing" effect.

But wait, we still have tons of people, literally billions, around the world, stuck in their globalist propaganda traps, blindly professing faith to their governments, and by extension, their government-backed currencies. And it's for this exact reason that we are only at the beginning of the crypto-market craze.

When this blind faith in fiat currency is eroded even halfway, I expect to see the value of the crypto-market reach over $1T. At this moment in time (10:35PM CST 7/8/17), shows the crypto-market capitalization is just under $100B.

Considering the level the crypto-market has risen since January 2017 alone, and that cryptos have currently achieved nowhere near the extent of adoption possible, it is not outside the realm of possibility that the crypto-market could EASILY reach $1T.

The fractional-reserve banking system that the purposefully dumbed-down populous of the world blindly believes to be fair, and the only way to maintain market stability, will eventually come to an end, and when it does, expect MASSIVE gains in your crypto-holdings. Supply-and-demand will have been kicked into overdrive.

The greatest wealth transfer in history has barely begun.

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Wealth transfer. Sounds like hyperbitcoinisation.

nice post :)

We're at a very interesting time in history... Great article!

Nice Job!
Keep the good work up!
Thanks for sharing