Cryptocurrencies and the Established Order

in cryptocurrency •  7 years ago 

According to Yahoo Finance and other mainstream media outlets, the US government is interested in potentially regulating cryptocurrencies, especially if they are deemed to "pose a threat" to the nation's economy.

(image from

The problem with having an establishment is that once something becomes the established order, they will use basically all means at their disposal to stay in that position. They refuse to play fair. That is exactly what is going on here. Essentially, the government is saying, "If cryptocurrencies become too much of a threat to the global elites we represent (ie the established order), we will take active legislative measures to sabotage them under the guise that they are a threat to all of us."

What people need to understand is that this current economic order does not have an entitlement to stay in power, and its not the government's job to rig the system to ensure that it does so. If you read this article, you will see that even the conservative politicians that are supposed to be champions of the free market support "regulating" these cryptocurrencies if they pose a threat to the status quo (ie their handlers). If the whole economic order goes thru an overhaul, we gotta roll with the punches, cause abusing power to preserve the current status quo is wrong, but sadly most people are happy getting scraps from the table.

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i would love to see them trying to seize my crypto accounts. would be tons of laughs :)

unfortunately theyll probably just try to devalue the hell out of them if they do something. I hope our corrupt overlords dont ruin this good thing.

Thanks @magic-sasquatch for information